
One Of Us

Half the time when brothers wrestle, it's just an excuse to hug each other.

There are friends. There are best friends. Then there are brothers.

Dreamer finally called Jordan a brother and Jordan was taken aback.

He looked at Dreamer with blank expressions and Dreamer smiled.

"Kugh!" Dreamer coughed up some blood and Jordan hurriedly tapped Dreamer's chest.

"Stay Calm, brother. Relax. We'll talk later. You rest."

Dreamer gave a light nod and his eyes shut close automatically. In a second, he drifted to sleep as well.

He managed to make Helios bleed but it was clear that he indeed faced a loss today.

Jordan lied beside Dreamer as well but he didn't sleep. He kept an eye on Dreamer and waited silently.

There was no one around them, only silence. They were both lying on a grass field and the place where they were had nothing but grass. It was a peaceful place for sure.
