
Young Master : Emilio's Hot Aura

Fani was very relieved when she was able to get out of Emilio's room. She could breathe a sigh of relief because inside there was a hot aura like hell in the world. She sensed that Emilio was thoroughly researching whatever she had been working on all this time.

Fani sat back behind her desk. Then she began to make several proposals for cooperation with several clients in the advertising world. She has even collected several designs from the media division which handles several illustrators about the latest car releases.

Fani has also checked several financial reports sent from the finance division. She was quite familiar with the way Emilio worked. She really should've prepared before the end of the month.

Then Hazel approached Fani who was very busy with some of the tasks she was handling. Even Fani is also preparing several meetings with clients in London the day after tomorrow.

"Fan, here are some reports for sales for this month and last month." Hazel felt her heart very uneasy because this month's sales were down.

"What are you doing, Hazel?" Fani asked the results with a very gloomy look on her face. "Is there a decrease in sales this month compared to last month?"

Hazel nodded in agreement because this month's sales report had actually dropped by twenty percent. She couldn't imagine how she would have to face Emilio who had the attitude of a monster ready to pounce. She knew quite well how Emilio would be upset if there was a drop in revenue or sales.

Fani doesn't know what to do especially when she has to face Emilio, whose attitude is temperamental. She even felt that the Boss was really so annoying.

"Fani, what if I get fired by the boss? Even though I've tried my best to find some buyers. But in reality I can only sell two cars." Hazel felt that she was truly in a state of choice. She was also very afraid of the consequences she would have when sales took a drastic drop. Normally she could sell up to 10 cars but for now she really could only sell 2 cars only.

Some customers feel that something is missing with the latest design of the car. They say that the design of the latest car products is not very attractive. Because usually the car that handles it is Emilio. But a fate made Emilio have to be unconscious for more than two years because of a fatal accident. Several clients complained about the products offered by the Emilio company.

"This is for you two." Jo handed him two cups of americano coffee he bought at the coffee shop across from his office. Because he had seen the two women seem very restless. He had guessed that it was all because of the presence of Emilio who had already started work. "Don't look at it and drink it," he said.

"Oh my God, I'm still very busy. Look at my work like a mountain. You know how Mr. Emilio doesn't hesitate to give me work like this." Fani could only roll her eyes lazily.

Jo already knows the behavior of his friend who is very workaholic. He had already guessed that his first day in would make the whole office suddenly shake the earth.

"You must be thinking about your sales turnover, which is currently declining?" Jo knew that Hazel was feeling very nervous about her sales turnover which had decreased drastically from before. "Well, it can't be helped, sales don't always go up. You don't have to worry. Emilio definitely knows the reason why sales turnover can drop drastically like this. The design given by the new car designer is really less attractive. He left because he was fired by Mr. Leo. Even though he could still handle it by Emilio. But Mr. Leo was really outrageous. He was the source of the problem."

"Yes, fortunately Mr. Leo managed to be fired by Mr. Emilio. Because the old man is really annoying. He also likes to abuse employees even though his position at that time was operational manager. But fortunately during Mr. Emilio's position, he really fell knees are not arbitrary like he can lie to Mrs. Monica," said Fani while doing some work with the laptop in front of her.

"That's really annoying Mr. Leo. He's also been making trouble about exhibition expenses. Indeed that old man is completely wrong! He likes to abuse the finances of this company." Hazel said.

"Yes, it's good that everything could really be considered well by Emilio at that time. He even managed to drag Mr. Leo to prison for a mistake that misappropriated company money," added Fani.

Then, Fani's phone rang. Then Fani gave a code that the phone was a call from Emilio. Suddenly the atmosphere became very quiet.

Hazel immediately went back to her place because she had a feeling that Emilio would call her about some reports of sales turnover last month and the current month which had drastically decreased. She tried to strengthen her mind in front of Emilio.

Jo was still sitting opposite Fani who was receiving a call from Emilio. He planned to take Fani out for lunch together.

Five minutes later the call was over. Fani's face looks very gloomy after receiving a phone call from Emilio. She felt really depressed with the various tasks that had to be done the next morning. Moreover, in the afternoon there will be an impromptu meeting that will discuss the exhibition budget and monthly turnover which has slightly decreased.

"What's wrong with you? ' asked Jo when he saw Fani whose face suddenly became gloomy.

Fani looks very grumbling about the work that Emilio has given her. She feels that being chased by deadlines really makes her life very uneasy. Even Emilio reported that today there would be an impromptu overtime.

"Usually the boss asks him to hurry up to finish and prepare some materials for the presentation later." Fani started to sigh so very heavily she didn't even have the appetite to eat lunch outside. "If you take me to lunch, it's probably not now because I'm not in the mood to do anything."

"We'll just have lunch here. I don't want you to be late to eat because your health is better. I'll just order food online. What do you want to eat?"

"I swear I'm not in the mood to eat, Jo. You know that when I'm panicking, even if I'm being chased by a deadline, it feels like my stomach is just churning. "

"Even though you're not hungry, you still have to eat because your health is more important. Come on, I'll help you prepare the materials for the meeting this afternoon. I don't want you to get hurt." Jo looked at Fani whose face really looked like she wasn't excited at all since Emilio's arrival this morning.

