
Lost soul 143

I slowly climbed down the tree. They have kept Lucien whenever he was. Maybe he was their bait or they were worried I was going to kill them if they tried to move Lucien. I knew by this time they had no weapons. Igor might have thought they don't need any for collecting their ransom. I knew that Lucien wouldn't have tried to escape himself because he might be worried that if he does it then my life could be in danger. Since Igor knows the best way to capture Lucien was to trap me first. He was very much lost now since he knows that Igor is not his actual father. I have always warned him he could never be his father. Because Lucien was nothing like him.

I walked slowly towards Lucien. I know it is not going to be of much use since their hearing skills is always above average. But from the position they have assumed I could tell that they won't all come to me at once. Since their first priority is going to make sure Lucien doesn't survive.
