
Chapter 24: LUCY'S DRIVE

" NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Her shouts of terror filled the air.

I jumped out of my bed and scurried out of the bedroom. Almost falling down in the process. I bet one of these days I would die because of my crazy housemates.

" What's all the racket about?" I asked. Looking down at the cause of the mischief. It was Lucy who decided to interrupt my sleep. Nothing deserves that amount of noise.

I huffed, why am I not surprised?

" Do you want me to lose my ears?" I asked, ignoring the little innocent eye gazing at me.

She shook her head, feigning innocence. Too bad, that doesn't work on me.

" Momma's car broke down" twirling a lock of her hair, she responded cheerfully. A little bit too cheerfully.

" And?....." How does Natasha's car breaking down have anything to do with the noise.

" She can't drive me. We have to pick up Troy before I go to school"

I sighed, gesturing to her to continue.

" Lucy!"

" Yes?"

" That doesn't explain why you're shouting." Crossing my arms, I raised an eyebrow in question.

" Oh, isn't it terrible?"

" No Lucy, it's not" I groaned in frustration and flipped her off. I closed my bedroom door and hid under the covers. Controlling my breath, I shut my eyes tight and drifted into sleep until...


" LUCY, NATASHA'S DAUGHTER. THIS BETTER BE IMPORTANT, FOR YOUR OWN SAKE!" I flung the door open. Bitting inside off my cheek to stop me from yelling any further. Ignoring the name she called me, I went straight to the point.

" What the hell is the problem this time?" There wasn't any need to hide how pissed I was. Hopefully, that should scare her, but I doubt It would. This girl wields the courage of a lion.

" Will you drive me and momma to school? Please" She pleaded, pouting and batting her eyes. You manipulative little brat!

" No" I replied blatantly, not showing any form of emotion. I stepped back and slammed the door. There's no need to see her reaction.


I clenched my fists and cringed before opening the door { Yet again}

" I am...." She cut me off before I could continue speaking.

" Please Jerry, I beg you. Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee" she stomped into my room and shut the door this time.

" Fine Lucy, will you stop disturbing me?"

" Yay, thank you." she hugged my waist before running out to inform her mother.

I ran my hand through my hair, only making it messier than it already was. If only, I could pull off my hair.

" Why Sam ?" I whined, blaming it on Sam. It's his fault I'm stuck in this mess. Couldn't he have found better people to live with me? With these two, it means non-stop drama and exhaustion.


" Get into the car, I just want to get back to sleep. Please?" I pleaded. The tables were turned, Natasha refused to get into the car. I've been begging her, along with Lucy but she stood her ground. She was still upset with me because of my delightful message. It's wasn't like I volunteered to drive them, I was forced by a child into doing this. Seeing as Natasha has put in an extra effort into ignoring me, I also made it my job to say out her way. In order to, avoid getting into situations such as this. But nooo... Her precious child insists on dragging me along with her.

" Yes momma, please" Lucy begged too.

" No" She shook her head firmly, refusing to move an inch. If her daughter's intense cuteness wouldn't work on her then nothing could.

" I want to go back to sleep, you're wasting my time. My precious time, if I must say" I rested my head on the steering wheel.

" I wasn't the one who interrupted your sleep. Feel free to go back to bed. I'll order a taxi. You're obviously not needed." She scrolled through her phone, trying to get a taxi I presumed.

" Ouch, what a subtle way of hurting my feelings, Natasha. Way to go" I rolled my eyes, forming a thin line with my mouth. I can just get down and go back to sleep. But that would mean incurring Lucy's wrath. I'm not made of steel, there's no way I'll be able to withstand that.

" Shut up Jerry"

" Oh c'mon, not you too. It's Jeremy. Urgh." Apparently, Natasha chose to pick up the habit of calling me, Jerry. Lucy started with the name-calling first, I don't like to be called Jerry, that was probably the reason she called me Jerry in the first place.

" You're just as annoying as Jerry. So, it fits you just perfectly."

Great, now I get compared to an animated character. There's no dignity left for me, nor respect. I've lost it all.

" Why are you angry with Jerry?" Lucy asked puzzled. If Natasha spilled the real reason she was angry with me. Her daughter will make it her responsibility to make me suffer. You see, these two are the absolute worst.

" He's annoying" she shook her head at me.

" Yes, but we have to go. Troy will be waiting"

I nodded my head in approval. Hold up...

" I'm not annoying. You're a child don't talk about your elders like that" I reprimanded.

" But you're annoying" she argued.

" Elder?" Natasha scoffed.

I narrowed my eyes at her, but let it go. This is not a conversation I'm willing to have. Arguing honestly wouldn't get me anywhere. Natasha isn't willing to get in, and Lucy isn't willing to get down.

" Who's Troy?"

" My cousin"

" Samantha's son"

They both said at the same time. Oh, I'm yet to meet him. Not like I'm complaining, I don't think meeting anyone related to this duo will do any good to humanity.

" Will you get into the car now?"

" No"

" Then you leave me no choice" I unbuckled my seat belt, getting out of the car. Carrying her in a bridal style, I dumped her into the seat making no attempt to be careful.

" Ouch"

Lucy giggled, earning a glare from her mother.

While she lectured me about chivalry.
