
Start Lying

"Why do you just come home late at night like this? Why did you suddenly resign from my workplace?" asked Hans.

Hans actually asked a trite question. A question he clearly already knew the answer to. But just to lighten the mood, Hans made small talk with him.

"Sorry, Sir. I just wanted to find a new atmosphere. That's why I decided to resign from there. Thankfully, I immediately got a new job. That's why I just came home at this hour."

"Where do you work?"

"At the place where you sell cellphones, Sir."

"I see..."

Throughout this trip only Hans asked Aleysa. Meanwhile, Aleysa was silent. He was silent not because he was ignorant. But because Aleysa felt embarrassed and also didn't feel good, especially after she suddenly resigned from Hans's workplace.

"Aleysa was just asked, but never asked me. Ask me about my condition, for example or something," said Hans in his heart.

Until finally they both arrived in front of Aleysa's house.
