
Chapter 31: Sleight of Hand

Mercy Hall

Beads of rain plop on the tender leaves and stems of the lush vegetation. Mercy, breathes in the rainy weather, which brings joy to her otherwise dark life. As a captive the past week, with all her freedoms stripped away, she has had little to be thankful for and even less opportunity for escape. So, when Helios ordered her to gather herbs, her first thought had turned to escape. But that plan, short-lived at best, would have only hasten Ambrose's death - a fate she chose to not toy with.

Away from Helios' campsite, and out of his immediate reach, Mercy lets her guard down. She plucks a handful of basil. The sweet, savory aroma makes her mouth water. Slowly, she drinks in the familiar scent then drops the herbs onto the cheesecloth spread out on the ground.

Several beams of lightning streak across the sky, followed by a thunderous boom that pulls her attention away from the herb bush.


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