
Chapter 181: The Isleans Warrior versus The Sword of the Sky

" Hey monkey let us see how are you built and, I thought only your skin is dark but a aura master with his dark aura seems shocking to see right now." I said I didn't Luka with his body filled with tattoos releasing his aura with its dark color almost the same as the darkness of Sir Lucian Herean his tattoos was transforming into image of a beast even his face is being covered by it the way his tattoos expand or spread at his body was like a seal for a long time that been unsealed suddenly right now also his maces kind of enlarge a bit together with a shadow maybe swirling around of it along with Luka's eyes turned all to black I should be on my guard what if his a spirit-user too same as Cap. Myera.

" You have tongue that always spits nonsense that question is for you and the answer is already received, Prince Dyren is built from nothing but only a weak or fragile highly decorated sword." He uttered ohh you can have a sharp tongue too I see I wanna cut your tongue first before your head monkey his already maybe at his final or solid form his muscular & tall body with its tattoos acting like a beast armor with his maces seems like two pillars at his hands and then his aura hahaha he coated his body with his aura so fine! I almost can't see it but its just tiny bit layer of aura yet its almost or the same as Sir. Mylon.

I have an unexpected smirk at my face before I run fast towards him starting from my legs to my arms my magical flames starts raging and he was just standing there my speed is fast enough to reach him less than a sec our surrounding feels like time slow down for a bit yet, his eyes was staring through me or my entire self I immediately raise one of my scimitars in-front of me along with the other like a fang of a beast from above & below as its pointed sharp edges touching each other together with being a spiral flames of mine coated it then he swung his maces horizontally clashing with my sword it was a strong hit yet after it hits my scimitars I spread my arms like wings and flip above him as I transformed completely [ Twilight Warrior ] I stands behind him now as he turn around then strike his right mace at my right shoulder down to my left hips I strike it back by swinging up-ward my left scimitar towards his right mace together with my right scimitar swung down-ward hitting the back of his mace " Impressive I will admit it, you make me worry earlier I thought a pair of tower hitted me for a sec."

" Likewise to you I thought a thunderbolt struck towards me, such speed you have yet not enough." He have a serious face as he was saying those words and as I turns my scimitars on a circular swing from his right mace before going into a diagonal swing down-ward against his left mace that he secretly thrust as both of his maces are now spread a bit yet his feet stomp on the ground and swing both of it immediately to their opposite horizontal path together with his sudden run or jump forth his maces swung to me body hahaha yet just passed by as I disappeared the parts of my body where his going to hit it.

" What's the look on your face? surprise a lot hahaha my magic power & my mythical beast are a perfect combo and, I already fought someone same as you or higher than you." I runs towards him frightened a bit as I just passed through his body and leave him with what just a tiny bit burt marks & only scratches from my scimitars wait ahh I fly up to the sky as I felt something wrong and painful I look at my chest as I saw symbol with raging darkness devouring me I grab it and throw it down yet as i throw it down Luka was going up at my direction.

Luka thrust his maces to my chest and throws me down behind me it was like a bull-beast just thrust me it leave two holes yet my flames & phoenix ability heal it still the thing I throw down earlier was waiting at the ground transform into a half-bull & half-man with its shadow or dark body only black nothing at all jumps high towards me and above me Luka was going down these two are going to strike me at the same time " Do you, but guess what due to that battle you already fought you did a illusion on your mind that I am weaker than them maybe and then you adjusted your capabilities like lower hahaha pathetic."

" I admit I am wrong so I will correct it right now thank you for the advice or enlightenment monkey." I crouched down at middle of the sky as these two are going to strike me later on with my scimitars pointing up-ward second by second passing as the flames at my body & weapons are expanding until it turn me into a warrior with a golem-like armor then the bull hybrid below me going to thrust me & the monkey above me going to slam down his maces to me at the same time I spread my arms wide being accompanied by a burst or a shockwaves of flames giving the crowd a phenomenal sight at the sky as those two foes of mine was being restraint then I leave the golem-like armor as I strike higher to the sky resulting with a final explosion the cage those two into a sphere.

I look at the sphere and it broke immediately as I can see Luka raging with his body showing a couple of burnt marks so his not that though as I thought my overthinking is just for nothing I guess yet I notice numerous tiny ball of the same thing at my chest before spread at the sky before it all turned into crow-beast? wait half-crow & half-human the heck? it goes fly towards me like they were going to shred me to pieces and Luka landed at the ground as he was twirling his maces like 2 tornados together side to side " Such a quick-learner perfect for a quick death." he throws his maces to the sky going or flying towards me as it was moving like tornados and those shadow beast earlier they turned direction and been absorbed by his maces creating a pair of tornados with its dark wind holy fuck It struck me and while I'm inside I can feel some claws trying to shred me to pieces for a couple of sec or minutes the maces are going back to him as Its bringing me down too ouch! is this one of his trump card.

" Enough of this." I exclaimed as rather than being pulled down by his maces I strike down towards him faster and faster together with flames bursting behind me and my form at my front was like dozens of phoenix gathering into one as I know its a wonderful and deadly sight to see as my scimitars turns its curved blades too many like the claws of phoenixes as its hilts pointed at my chest and the blade or the sharp edges pointed towards him then I stab his chest and pushing him down to the ground asif we are digging and a minute passed the a tower of spiral flames as there was phoenixes ascending.

I guess I dig 3 feet under as I go back above and waited for him as the hole I created was like a crater and shit I should calm down I'm breathing hardly as I check my body already wounded & bruises at my back yet I saw a hand then he jump out of the crater-like standing up in-front of me as he was laughing and his maces surrounded by shadows rampaging like dark spirits or something his eyes looks at me fuck a monster is here " Thanks for your trump card and shall we continue, fried bird."


" Your welcome monkey and, shadow spirit that is your contracted spirit right." Dyren said so he found out sharp eyes & mind also I touches my body burnt marks ouch it hurts a lot and wounds too from his blades what could I expect his the sword of the sky of Empress Amaris he will surely survive from my attack.

" I am a Aura-master and Shadow Spirit-master too, so its hard for you to just easily defeat me or kill me fried bird." I replied go forth to him attacking him with the strikes of my maces nonstop, circular, and down-ward with my double-stick twirling style as I was moving around of him and he was flying and swinging his scimitars back then kicking his legs along with magical slash & claws coming from him.

" Suited you well monkey and how long can you last." Dyren muttered as he was swinging his scimitars horizontally, vertically, and diagonally also he was casting magic spells such as phoenixes striking towards me as I casted or summoned a dozen of shadow spirits turning into warrior or a valkyrie-like defending me and attacking him at the same time yet he burst into embers.

" Thank you for your compliment and got you." I stab my slam down my maces at the ground as I result for a rising of pikes of shadow but not just spikes they turned into tentacles searching for him and then he was above me a couple of meters as for those tentacles they transformed into meteorites going upward chasing him.

Dyren then flying around at the sky and spinning together with his scimitars as he was shattering those shadow meteorites one by one and I running at the ground towards his direction throwing my right mace going up-ward in a curve path as it was spinning like a wheel being surrounded by rampaging spirits that turned into beast chasing him " Your welcome and kindly please die now monkey." he smiled as he goes down towards me dodging my maces and ohh no those meteorites are following him as he passed through my body giving him a consequences same as before yet my own attack I can't undo it as I shattered it by my own still some struck me.

" Such trick you asshole." after dealing with my own meteorites I grab my mace again after sending it away and he was pointing his scimitars at me as he starts piercing at the thin air together with shooting ray of flames in the form of a dragon-phoenix " I didn't you are an artist fried bird and I give you 10 out of 10." I slam down his attacks with my maces as I was running to the right to the left around as he was shooting me with those spells rapidly.

" Don't worry I will make a painting or a portrait about you, Luka Narth the monkey that was cooked by the Prince Dyren Skyetiello, such perfect title right." He strike down towards me in a inclined path as his scimitars was throw and send flying towards my side as both of it was spinning vertically, horizontally, diagonally until it complete a spinning spheres while him with his fist coated with flames that turn into heads of a phoenix-dragon going to punch me later on.

" I am an artist too so likewise, The Fried Bird made by Luka Narth," I throw my maces too as it was just like a copy of what his scimitars doing the only difference mine is full of the rampaging shadow spirits and clench my fists along with cracking its knuckles as a head of serpent-dragon comes to my hands made by full darkness then as he was going to lunch a punch together at the same time I lunch mine too and are weapons at the sides are bringing chaos on their own.

The tense of battle was on its climax as our hands touching each other along with its beast- head forms as our auras & powers devouring each other on our hands as we both have a smile and our eyes looking at each other then our weapons which are clashing at our sides was going towards as we can't escape it so we continue letting our fists decide who will win hahaha our laughter together with the chaos gathering slowly into a single space this is fun hahaha I should ask forgiveness I was the first one who insulted Empress Amaris Herean its my fault so I will correct it.

" THANK YOU FOR THIS BATTLE!" the line both of us said the battle ended with our weapons hitting us back with great pain and after a couple of minutes the two of us are lying down at the ground along with our weapons wounded, bruises, bleeding, and exhausted yet laughing until 2 tyrants arrived ohh ouch, the true foes had arrived.

After our battle both of us received punishment from the 2 tyrants I mean the 2 Empresses and I asked for forgiveness to Prince Dyren yet he asked for forgiveness too hahaha also we rested for 3 days at least or 3 days at the prison, ohh dear people no need to ask why and how are we in the prison just look at those 2 Empresses then you have our answer.

