

~ ZEV ~

When he'd gotten to his feet inside the fox hole, Sasha was still gripping the rocks at the look holes and staring at him.

Her face was a mix of joy and fear, and his stomach dropped.

He was glad he'd come. And terrified of what might happen now.

Zev cleared his throat. "Sasha, he's lying. About a lot of it. And… I already told you, it wasn't… there wasn't anything in it that I enjoyed or… it was ugly. All of it. I did it because I thought I had to, and—"

She launched herself across the dirt and into his arms. He grunted as she ran into his tender ribs, but he didn't let her go, holding her tightly to his chest and pressing his cheek against the top of her head as she clung to him.

Her whole body was shaking. Fuck, he hated what this was doing to her.

Eyes on Dunken whose face was still a blank mask, he shushed her when she whispered his name, and held her tightly.
