
Not enough?

Forty was nowhere close to the full strength of the Crimson Abyss guild, but these people had been training together even before the apocalypse began, so their coordination and combat abilities were nothing to scoff at.

And in front of these insects, they did not falter easily.

The melee players stood next to the tanks and made sure that they did not become overwhelmed. 

The long-range dps split into three groups, one recovering the mana and the other providing a backup for the tanks, and the last one taking out the insects one by one by aiming for their weak spot.

Lan Fen and Lan Deming particularly stood out as their high mana affinity clearly showed in this battle. 

Lan Fen, especially, was taking out the insects left and right and pulling apart the swarm at a frightening speed. 

Lan Deming coordinated with Shin Soo and the two of them, along with Alex, kept the group from being completely surrounded in all directions.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
