

After dropping Liam to the ground, the old elf switched gears and went back to playing around with the little fox as if nothing happened. 

At first, Luna was reluctant, still sticking close to her master, but seeing some tasty things in the other party's hand, the traitor quickly rushed over and started munching away.

Liam gaped at this scene. This old guy definitely had a few screws loose, but… he couldn't deny that he was the most powerful person he had come across in the game so far.

Even standing in front of the King back in the nether realm did not give him this sort of feeling. There was something about this old man.

Wait a second. Liam's breathing quickened. He had come across someone like this once before, the naga who had taught him the illusion technique. It was only for a brief second, so he could be mistaken.
