
Ch. 43 I worked at the BBC

(A few Weeks Earlier)

We were sitting in my study room, Alyssa, Florian, Thomas, Alex and I were discussing the next steps as to how to are we going to control the narrative and as to how are we going to hide my identity from the general populace.

Florian asked Thomas "How are the people under the new order?"

Thomas said "Alex is doing a good job in keeping tabs inside the pack for anyone who may pose a threat and there are some people that are trying to cause problems but we are dealing with them. If it gets messy we will contact you."

Alex then asked "What are we doing about hiding Jon's identity? Even though we have controlled the news so far, I highly doubt that we will be able to keep it under wraps for long."

I thought about it and said, "I may have an idea as to what we can do."

Everyone looked at me and I continued and said "Daily Prophet, is the only news source in the country, we would have bought it if it was possible, but seeing that the ministry owns it that is out of the question. We can bribe them for making the news in our favour."

Thomas said, "That is a good solution."

I then continued "But that is only a temporary solution. The permanent solution would be to open our own newspaper, we can pay the prophet for spreading baseless information and we can "Advertise" that our news channel's sources are coming straight from the ground."

Everyone was doubtful but Alyssa said, "It is ingenious, muggles have used television to control the masses, if we can do the same here we will be able to control the information and it would also help to sniff out potential, traitors who are willing to give up Jon's identity."

I knew she understood the tactics that the muggles used in their politics. This is nothing new, I am just starting to use it for my own gain. But still, she continues to surprise me.

Florian then chuckled and asked, "I am quite sure you have thought as to who would be our editor for the newspaper?"

I didn't say anything I just looked at her and she said "Xenophilius Lovegood, he has his own magazine, called the Quibbler, he knows the ins and out of the business, and fortunately for us his daughter is our friend. So I think it won't be all that hard for him to agree with us. I have already set a meeting for us to discuss the future."

They looked at me and Thomas asked "You both planned it when?"

I smiled and said, "Well, I just had the idea, Alyssa here has been doing most of the heavy lifting."

Thomas then said, "What are we going to do with the employment situations?"

I then smiled and said, "I presume you are talking about the Nurmengard Castel?" He nodded and I sighed and said "Well, they have agreed to our employees, but the major concern that I have is Dumbledor.

He surely will poke his nose where it doesn't belong, but when we start our campaign that, the werewolves have been freed from the trant Fenrir and are being graciously given chance to work at the Numengrad. It will bind him, he won't be able to move, his white faction companion won't let him.

That is the problem with being all goody-goody.

And sure he will try and figure out who is at the tippy top, but it will only trace back to you because the company is in your name and is a subsidiary of ours. In a world full of family-owned shops, it will be hard to find."

I then asked "What about Fenrir? Did we find him?"

Alex said "We are tracking him, but he is still at large, presumably with some death eaters. But we will capture him soon."

I smiled and said "Good, the sooner we find him the better."

After the meeting was over I was sitting on the sofa and was tired, Alyssa poured some tea and said "Today was a productive day."

I took the cup and loosened my tie and said, "Yes, it was but it is getting a little bit too tiring, with all the stuff Fenrir and all."

She then smiled and said, "You don't want him to be caught don't you?"

I smiled and said, "It looks like you are getting to know me better every single passing day." I then sipped the tea and said "I just want him found not stopped. The more trouble he causes the better it is for us."

She then asked, "Who do you want at the job then?"

I said, "I still don't know yet, maybe I will leave that job to you?"

She smiled and said, "Then maybe we all should take a break, it is summer holiday after all."

I sighed and said, "I would as soon as I understand how to make this damn moon ring, I mean getting black kyanite, was easy but I don't know how am I going to make a barrier out of it. The process is complex, I will need to be better at enchanting."

She smiled and said, "You will find the solution Jon, you always do."

I sighed and said, "Maybe we should take a beak you know, just leave for a couple of days."

She smiled and said, "Where do you want to go?"

I said, "I don't know, I just want to go and just not think for a minute..." I sighed and looked at her and said "You know when I started all this I had no idea that it was going to be this taxing."

She then chuckled and said, "What do you think it was going to be like?"

I chuckled and said, "I don't know, I thought that it was going to be even harder. When I started to walk down this path, but along the way, I picked up some amazing people that have made this journey a lot easier." I then looked at her and said "You are one of them, Alyssa, thank you for making all this a bit easier."

She then said, "You are saying this because you don't want to do the paperwork for the new housing complexes don't you?"

I said, "Ugh, you wound me, I was genuinely giving you a compliment."

She smiled and said, "I am not doing the paperwork."

I said in an undertone "Damn it."

She then smiled and said "Maybe I will help you over dinner?~"

I then smiled and said, "Must you tease me this way?~"


(At the Lovegood House)

We were in front of the Lovegood House, it was me and Alyssa and I said "I thought it would have been smaller." The house was bigger than that in the movies.

She said, "I mean it is not that big."

I smiled and said "Shall we?~"

We then walked up to the door and knocked on it and Luna opened the door, she then hugged us and said "Welcome, come on in." I was surprised to see how much she grew in such a small time. We walked inside the house and it felt like the home of your grandma, you know but it felt very homely. She then said, "Papa, Jon and Alyssa are here, come sit."

We then sat down and Luna asked "So when are we going to the picnic?"

I smiled and said "As soon as your father becomes our editor, we will think of a location and go together. Where do you want to go through?"

She thought about it and she was in deep thought but then Alyssa chuckled and said, "How about we take them to Disney Land?"

Luna asked, "What is Disney Land?"

Alyssa smiled and said "You remember all those princess movies we watched? It is a place where we can meet them. So how about it?"

Luna said "Okay."

I thought about it and I said "Well, I did say that I don't want to think soo that should be fine, but which one?"

She then thought and said, "How about the one in Frace, it has recently opened and it is close."

I then said, "Get me a plane then I am not sitting with other people."

She chuckled and said, "You are getting more vain."

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "I have the money and I will need to travel a lot so why not?"

She smiled and said, "I will get it done."

Then Luna's father came he was wearing a white shirt and trousers and a jacket, we got up and greeted him, he smiled and said "Sit down, sit down, please. Luna if you can leave us alone for a moment?" She nodded and went away.

We sat and I said, "It is nice to meet you."

He said "The feeling is mutual, Luna has talked about you all through the summer. Thank you for helping her in school."

I smiled and said, "Of course, she is very important to all of us."

He looked at us and said "It has been tough for Luna to make friends. But she told me that you have helped her a lot."

I smiled and said "I am just trying so that everyone can have a good school experience. I just want everyone to have a good time."

He then said, "Thank you, Now shall we discuss business?" He then smiled and said "Starting off I would like to say that I am not that interested in being an editor of your newspaper. I want to work on my magazine."

I smiled and said "That is completely fine, you can keep working on the magazine and the newspaper, we will support you wholeheartedly. We will not intervene in the magazine's business, we will help you promote it. All you will have to do is just be the editor of our newspaper and publish the news that we want, it is simple as that."

He said, "You could ask anyone else why are you asking me?"

I smiled and said, "Because you are a good person Mr Lovegood, and I have good reasons to believe that you will not betray us."

He thought and said, "Give me some time to think about it please?"

I smiled and said, "Alright, we will be back in a few days I hope that you make the right choice." We then got up and got out of the house. Luna was there she asked, "Can we play?"

I looked at Alyssa and she nodded and I said "Why not?" We then played ball, tag, and hide and seek. But after some time we left it was getting a bit dark.


(At Home)

Alyssa asked, "Do you think that he will agree?"

I said "Well, any sane person would, but you know we can't be sure. Although the chances are high that he will."

I then looked at Alyssa and said, "Let's just watch Tv I am not in the mood to do anything right now." She nodded.

I asked, "What are we watching?"

She said, "Oh, how about Predator?"


She shrugged and said, "That is a terrible Arnold."

I said, "Oh, come on almost everyone has a bad Arnold impression."

We were going upstairs when an Owl came with a letter, I read the letter it was from Thomas. Alyssa looked at my expression and asked, "What is it?"

I sighed and said, "Some dumbass is trying to throw a coup."


The segment with Cotton 🐍

Greetingssss readersss, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Thank you for voting and commenting on the chapter.

Hello, I am back after time off from this series, to be honest, I was mostly waiting for my tablet to arrive and it is supposed to arrive today, so I am praying that it does, anyway, I also wanted to say that I will also shorten the release schedule seeing that I am doing other ff, but I can promise up to 3 chapters per week.

I hope that you like the chapter and also please join the discord server I have some beta readers for other ffs and most of them got early updates and this draft of the chapter. I will leave the link in the Author's thought.

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