
A test against the ghosts of the past 3

Liam who was fighting used his spear to pierce the chest of one of the Persian soldiers, while he used his shield to hit another of the soldiers in the neck.

The confrontation became more and more complicated for Liam, who began to suffer some wounds because of the weapons that he was using the Persians.

But despite this, he did his best to finish off all the enemies, making use of all the skills he had learned throughout their lives.

After beheading 4 soldiers, he ended up facing the last two remaining Persian soldiers, who, unlike the others had a highly decorated uniform.

The armor they were wearing was made of gold and had a large number of precious gems, the weapons they had were adorned with many pearls.

Without a doubt, they showed a great occurrence. However, despite the fact that they had quite rich clothes, their faces showed a rather disturbing security.
