
A troubling discovery

Milena sighed and stretched her hands before running towards the warehouse area to be able to record everything that was in that place.

When she left the incinerator, she walked through the corridors of that place until she reached the warehouse where she could see hundreds of boxes with some glass jars.

So she checked if his tablet was recording, realizing that if it was, she opened one of the boxes.

In them there was a liquid that had a blue color. When reading the packaging, she realized that it was a kind of drink.

So, like a normal person, she opened the bottle and drank the contents.

'Blackberry flavor is not bad at all.'

When she finished drinking the substance, she could feel a heat in her stomach.

At that moment, she sighed and felt how her body was full of vitality. It was as if he had rested for countless hours, so she smiled and opened another of the bottles to drink it.

When she finished Milena sighed with joy "This thing is a good energy drink, do you know what it is made of?"

"I have no idea miss, but it shouldn't be an energy drink. On the door behind you is a small place with rabbits and rats.

I think you should give them a taste of the drink as my years in the military have taught me that things are not what they seem many times. "

Milena turned around and looked at a glass door, so with the bottle of drink in her hand she walked. After opening it, she could see cages with some animals.

All of them seemed to be in a state of putrefaction, so Milena looked with some doubt at the bottle in her hand before walking towards a cage where there was a small white rabbit which seemed to be in good condition.

With some care, she emptied some liquid from the bottle into her hand and the rabbit, without thinking began to walk slowly towards the liquid to drink it because he was thirsty.

When the rabbit drank that blue substance, it underwent some changes to the naked eye. To begin with, it convulsed while claws grew.

His red eyes turned into black ones and soon after what had once been a rabbit turned into a beast that hit the fence trying to free itself.

Milena, seeing this, just sighed and looked with a little more caution at the drink she had in her hands.

"This is not an energy drink. I think it should be the Lebensborn virus, but why bottle it in a presentation to sell in stores."

"I think it is a way to release the virus without people noticing. I can assume that it is specially made for human beings to become infected.

Unlike animals, it should have a delayed effect. Perhaps that way the virus can be spread very quickly, because no one would think that there is a ferocious pathogen in a drink. "

Milena looked at the bottle and finished the contents of it. "I guess that's why I have not been infected, because my body can assimilate the virus.

It's a shame the blackberry flavor is one of my favorites, but now where do I go. "

"Leaving the door on the left is an elevator that will take you to the top floor, you should go there.

Just be careful because the cameras in that place are failing too much. I don't want to be pessimistic but you could find a special infected.

The special infected develop a link with the ancestral vampire gene. In simple terms, it is a vampire like me only who is completely insane. "

Milena who was walking stopped and looked seriously at a camera. "Look I know we barely know each other, but how the hell do you think I'm going to kill a damn vampire.

I can kill terrorist, trash, and werewolf hunter, where I have time to kill a bloodsucker. "

"You just need to use your werewolf form."

Milena smiled sarcastically. "That would be great, but I remind you that because of my stupid father, I am an exile princess who has no place among werewolves.

I can only turn my hands and feet into her werewolf form, maybe my head too, but I never really needed to do that. "

"Just use your claws to kill him. It's simple a blow to the chest will be his end."

Milena started laughing. "Hey you make it sound so simple, but to your bad luck if I know about vampires and I know they have a form of smoke.

How the fuck am I going to beat that with my claws. "

"I will teach you the technique of killing magical beings. Pay close attention to my words and repeat them while you stretch your hands in your werewolf form.

Gstenfustebti shehrbdu skfushe sksusyej hsisie jsisjae. "

Milena stretched out her hands and tried to repeat the words "Gstenfustebti shehrbdu skfushe sksusyej hsisie jsisjae"

When she finished saying those words, she could feel her claws begin to glow with a brilliant silver color.

"What you are seeing is your life force. This technique uses it as a weapon to destroy any kind of magic or being magical.

It is an apparently simple technique, but not many people can practice because the cost is life, although in your case that problem does not exist.

With those claws, you can hit any magical creature no matter what state it is in. "

Milena who was looking at her claws turned to look at the camera. "There is some way to simplify the spell so as not to have to use that horrible spell.

The last thing I want is to have to say those words in a fight. "

"It's very simple, just feel the sensation that you are having in your hands right now and think that it is gone. When you want it to come back, just think about that sensation again."

Milena made a face and looked at her hands, trying to think that she did not want to feel that sensation.

At that moment, her claws returned to normal, so she thought about the sensation again and her claws lit up with silver light again.

"Hey with these claws I can kill a goddess."

"Hahaha, miss, don't be funny. Gods and goddesses are beings that are simply on another level because they have a completely advanced concept of reality.

Think of them as people with the ability to destroy anything you want just by thinking about it. The best that can fight a god is another god.

The problem is that in a fight of gods only one will be the winner and if your god loses your destiny, it will be worse than death.

But why the question?"

Milena casually replied while pressing the elevator button, "Because a goddess threatened me and told me that I would work with her after death."

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Pss it's coming a new cover img 10 days aprox for the novel and some special gift for us be prepared.

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