
Appointment with Dr. Aiko

Milena and Liam sat in front of a beautiful mahogany desk while the doctor looked at them. "My name is Aiko Meyer.

I am the only doctor in this place who has experience taking care of werewolves; I had the opportunity to work with your father, Milena. "

Milena frowned and stared at Dr. Aiko, who only returned a lifeless look.

"That I have worked with your father does not mean that he has supported him or that he likes me.

How do you know werewolves are racist with human beings but at least they know how to distinguish someone who does things well.

Now stop staring at me. You don't want to make me mad, Milena. "

Milena sighed and stopped looking at the doctor, who just yawned. "Well, since you know my name, you must know that werewolves women are like any other human woman when they are virgins.

But when they lose their virginity because of any factor, they activate their female wolf's instincts, so once a year they will enter a state of heat.

Where they will seek to reproduce with their partner or any man, that can be good if you have a family but for those abused or raped women.

That may mean torture, but in your case Milena, you are a lucky woman.

Now let's talk about what we will do in this week that the zeal process lasts. To begin with, you two will be placed in your apartment.

Because Liam you are completely compatible with Milena, you share a special bond with her so you have the ability to resist all her approaches.

But that you are compatible does not mean that you are immortal. This week you will be given a group of experimental medicines so that your bones and muscles recover.

It is a castrated version of the Werewolves Recovery Potion; it has a much lower impact than the original potion.

But it can be used without problems, and it does not taste like shit. Now I want you to know something very important.

Milena that you are immortal does not mean that your children are, so you can suffer abortions or if you die, they can also die.

That is why you will not be able to have missions of any kind until the babies are born. I hope you know.

That also means you can't have sex in the conventional way, but don't worry, you can always try anal sex. "

Aiko took a USB stick from the drawer of one of her desk, which she handed to them.

"In it, you will find all the information about what not to do and how to have sex.

I mention this mainly because the pregnancy of a werewolf woman increases sexual libido in all respects.

So that means they are going to have sex, and that is fine as they are young, but I don't want them to do something stupid that could cause an abortion.

For a woman, losing a child is painful, but for a werewolf it is devastating and can lead to character changes.

From depression to a thirst for revenge, that can only be solved by killing your enemies.

Liam, you have an obligation to take care of Milena at all times.

Now that we talked about that, I will give you your medicine, Milena. I will give you some sublingual aphrodisiacs so you can enjoy with Liam everything they do. "

Aiko got up from her chair and took the medicine for Liam and Milena, after which she gave them to them in some bags.

"Liam one pill a day and Milena doesn't use over one aphrodisiac pill because the two of you could spend at least one day having sex.

It is serious this warning that I do, because it will be impossible to separate them until they finish with their passionate sex.

Now that you have your medications, I will see you at the end of this week so I can see the pregnancy process and prescribe some supplements for the babies to grow without problems.

If they do everything right, they will have at least 3 or 5 children. They should not worry about taking care of those babies because the state will help them take care of them.

They will receive education, doctors and everything they need for free, until they reach adulthood where they must do military service on a mandatory basis.

I hope you understand that and now either of you have any doubts? "

Milena and Liam shook their heads, so Dr. Aiko smiled. "Well, now get out of my office and do your work because it is important that you do it because of the rutting season.

Of a female werewolf, it is dangerous because it can alter the character. "

When the two of them left, Milena looked at Liam. "I guess we have a lot to work on. I hope you are ready to endure all the hard work that we will have to do to be able to complete the entire process.

This week, we will be very busy. "

Liam just smiled and stroked Milena's hair. "I think this is the first time that I like military orders, although it is relative, since I once had a mission in the Caucasus region.

Where we enter a trampoline factory, I still remember how we jumped on some trampolines as little children after finishing the mission.

Maybe it was the only time I could feel without problems or worries on a mission. You have had a similar mission. "

Milena stroked her chin. "Once I was able to fight in a cigar factory, so many free cigarettes, that day I stole ...

I say take a full truck of cigarettes as a reward; I think you may have noticed that I have a room full of cigarette packs.

That was the happiest time I was on a mission because the other time I was happy was when I peeled in a pastry shop the sweet taste of those banana muffins. I still remember them.

But I guess there are advantages of being a high-risk worker where I fought almost always ends up destroyed, so no one will care what I do. "

Liam just laughed and squeezed Milena's hand. "Don't worry, I'll see to it that you don't have to be taking other people's things because nothing is going to be missing.

How could I allow the mother of my children to do that. "

Milena closed her eyes and leaned her head on Liam's shoulder. "I never thought our relationship would end this way, but I think it's the best thing that has happened to me in this life."

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Pss it's coming a new cover img for the novel and some special gift for us be prepared.

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