
In The Dark

Janice loads her computer and they all stood in front of it, except Zyla.

"Don't fail us, kid" Carl says and Zyla nods.

Sonia walks up to her and hugs her. Though sending a quick message to her.

"Don't forget what Aldra said" she whispers and taps her back twice.

"I won't" Zyla whispers back and they both did their special handshake.

"Goodluck, Zyla"

Zyla walks into the snowy area, trying to keep up with the wind blowing against her. Her hand is opposite her eyes, trying to obstruct the wind that's blowing like a heavy whirlwind The snow on the ground is not even helping matters to soften a bit.

The snow is sticky, yet cold and penetrating her feet into her flesh, and then into her cells.

Her sweater is smacking thin air due to the force the wind is blowing against her and from behind her.

"I need to get there" she whispers as she progresses further.

The forest is thick. The darkness it withholds is very much eye-blinding. She switches on her flashlight and walks into the forest, unzipping her sweater from the front. She pulls it off after keeping the flashlight on the ground. Then she continued walking.

She ties her sweater on her waist and lets the buckles of her belt tighten with the knives in it.

She packs her shoulder-length hair for the reason of not covering her eyes, then lets out a sigh of readiness.

The tube is safe in her bag and won't fall out once she's against them. Plus, it's in a plastic tube, it can't break.

She walks further into the forest as sensitive as ever. She is straightforward, not bending and very focused.

'Keep your mind in this, Zyla'

Suddenly, something ran from behind her to her right-hand side with so speed. A normal human won't even guess what it is. Gosh, will it give a normal human being the creeps...

Zyla stops walking but doesn't turn back to look at whatever passed her from behind.

Her eyes are closed and her breathing stability is checked with a green mark.

Okay, here we go.

Zyla's hand slowly moves to the sharpest, yet smallest knife on her belt. She holds tightly to the handle...

And with a speed of lightning, Zyla turns to the black wolf that is about to pounce on her with its white fangs and teeth that got his thick and slimy saliva sticking to his numerous teeth that can't be counted. The pupils of this deadly-looking creature are like little but bold dots that give every human nightmares.

Just as it's about to land on Zyla, she uses the knife skillfully and stabs the throat of the wolf. It lands on her and they both fall to the ground, blood gushing out of the throat and staining all parts of the body of Zyla.

"Argh! God!"

Zyla pushes the wolf off her body with her knife still in the deep stab in its throat.

The wolf stares at her. Zyla studies its expression real quick and to her... It's trying to speak. It looks like the words are stuck down in its stabbed throat.

"Zyla? Are you okay?" Janice's voice goes through the ear deposit and Zyla replies, but rather slowly.

"Yeah... I think so"

"Did it hurt you?"

Zyla looks down at herself just to discover a light bruise on her stomach. The blood that's making its way through the open injury is just a line. It's not much.

"A scratch. That's all"

Janice and the rest watch from the computer. The chip in her blood records all the activities taking place and sends the data and videos to them during its happening.

"Are you sure, babe? It looks like the injury is serious over here"

Zyla blushes hearing Carl call her "Babe", it makes her jealous when she thinks that Janice now has his heart in the bottle she placed it in.

"It's not serious"

Zyla stretches her hand out to the wolf, taking a hold of the knife. Immediately her fingertips touched the handle, the wolf howls loudly, summoning its troops.

Zyla immediately pulls the knife out and it became instantly lifeless.

She has to get out of there if she does not want the other wolves to get her with the lifeless body of this black wolf.

But something caught her eyes...

Zyla slowly, and unnoticeably deactivates the chip in her from sending data to Janice.

Janice smacks the computer but nothing happens.

"Zyla! Zyla?! Are you okay?!"

"I am Janice, don't worry about me"

Janice feels like scolding Zyla for deactivating the chip in her, but Carl holds her wrist.

"She's not a baby anymore. She can handle this"

Janice says nothing but stares at the blank screen of the computer.

"Please be quick so that we see what you're doing," she says and keeps quiet, trying to pick any snarl of another wolf.

Zyla's widen, as green liquid flows out of the wolf, like it is its blood. She removes the tube given to her by Janice and compares the thickness.

The only thing different is that the green liquid in the tube has little bubbles, but the one that flows out of the wolf is plane and without bubbles.

Or maybe it's because this is inside a tube? And the other is on the ground? Just like that?

She gotta experiment on these two liquids.

Zyla thinks of a place to fetch the liquid on the ground and the idea sparks into her head easily. She tears her shirt and uses a large amount of it to pack the liquid in it.

The torn piece used to package it glows due to the effect of the liquid. She places it in the plastic protector she has in her bag gently and carefully, so as not to make it spill.

Then she activates the chip again from the hole made for the chip earlier. Without hearing Janice's voice, she continues walking on, taking her knife and every other thing she used in this place.

But it's like taking one step forward is a mistake as four wolves walk towards her in the dark.

Her flashlight starts to flicker, which can give these wolves an advantage to kill her. This shouldn't be happening!

She charged it to the fullest before she left home, what now is happening?

And it's just thirty minutes of using it. If not five!

Zyla tightens the sweater on her waist and took a deep breath.

If she wanna handle these things, she gotta handle them in the dark.
