
A Vile Horny Race


POV: Astaros


Humans are annoying, loud, violent, and social. How does that work? I don't know and I am one of them. With a couple quirks and changes. I still have the basics though.

Right now though? They are a just a godsend for a random lost man.

I had been running downriver when I heard it. People, talking. PEOPLE. TALKING. FINALLY.

I stopped racing down the river and started slowly creeping off it, frost crawling all upon the river bank as I came up. I turned off my dark element and walked up the incline slowly coming into view. I balanced my dynamic concealment and sized up my new found "friends".

A young swordsman with red hair no more than 17 years of age walked before me, his one handed blade at his hip. He wore greaves, shoulder pads and vanguards, with weak leather armor covering his puffed out chest. A small woman around 16 years old walked beside him. She wore a thick leather hood and had a bow and quiver on her back. Behind them both was a porter girl with blonde hair, a large backpack and a some thin leather armor. A blue tunic offering her chest little refuge from the rough material. Finally in the middle of the formation a mage clad in green and black robes seemed to stroll, unconcerned with the world. She spoke leisurely with the porter and occasionally flirted with both her and the swordsman. She had a more mature busty aura around her.

I followed them occasionally taking to the trees to avoid detection. this continued for a couple hours. Then it happened. For a moment I had the scare of my life as I tried to come closer to the mage to see her staff, only for the girl with the hood to turn and look at me. I was ten meters from them, my armored self stiffened to the max as I attempted to avoid detection. She stared at the empty air as the others stopped and asked her what was wrong.

She looked around her eyes scanning the empty space where I stood.

'Fight me or go the hell away' {Astaros}

She continued to stare at where I was.

"Hey Fillia there's nothing there, you okay?" {Swordsman}

"I'm fine Drave just thought I sensed something" {Fillia}

She then turned and walked off the mage also looking where I stood.

"Hang on" {Mage}

They stopped again looking at the spot.

"What is it Thana? Did you sense it too?" {Fillia}

"Nope just confirming your skittishness so please relax" {Thana}

The other two laughed and continued on. Thana laughed and followed them. Fillia chuckled, embarrassed and moved on. I laughed walking behind them. It was truly a good laugh.

As I eavesdropped on their conversation it seems I had caught them on the way back from hunting a troll. They had beat it by cutting it up and cauterizing it with fire spells to cease the regeneration. A slow but guaranteed to win process. They also had classes like me. Porter, Swordsman, Mage and Thief. The porter's name was Nancy and she and the others seemed to think that Fillia was paranoid. This gave me no end of entertainment as I constantly bothered her by coming within range then backing out. Pure entertainment.

From morning to night there was never nothing going on, from Fillia walking in on their nightly escapades to simple encounters with monsters. I had literally seen it all. None of it however was as interesting as Fillia. Why was someone like her meshed in with these people who seem bent on repopulating this world from the ground up. On top of that why hadn't Drave made a serious pass at her?

She may be a little short but she wasn't lacking in appeal so I didn't see the problem. Moderate breasts (perfectly balanced as all things should be), Supple lips, a toned and muscled body with some thick thighs. She concealed her orange tails and ears with a seeming imbued necklace.

Thus I watched over the group wiping out any small fry that came near the vile horny race. They were my ticket to a town and I wouldn't give them up easily.

Before we all waltzed on back to the town there was one more incident. Goblins. We ran into a hunting party of around thirty. Needless to say this party ain't pushovers even though they are small-fry.

Drave held the frontline well, his one handed broadsword worked efficiently as he went for slashes and multiple kills. Anything that passed him was killed by the porter who wielded a short-sword as she supported her lover. Thana held backline firing small-scale spells. She seemed to only have the fire element but I don't see that as a downside. Makes her less flexible but SHOULD make her far more advanced in her abilities than her peers of the same age. Keyword SHOULD. Fillia worked hard to hunt down the archers of the enemy backline using the trees as cover and trading fire.

As the battle continued an archer targeted Nancy. If she was hit the speed of the trip would nosedive. So I acted.

I rushed between the goblin frontline disturbing not a single one of the grunts and slapped the head off the lecherous fool. His slobber turned red as his head flew into the bushes. I then looked around to see the thief looking straight at me, her vertical slit irises became smaller as her light green pupils widened before shifting back to her normal human eyes. For a moment, a second, I had become visible to them.

I looked at her and then disappeared. She was shocked but then snarled and turned back to the goblins now firing at twice the rate. I finally showed up and she was the only one to see me. Exasperation and rage built up as she realized that if she said something and she couldn't prove it she would be labeled a weirdo forever.

Fifteen minutes after it began the 30 strong hunting party was slaughtered. Not a chance was taken with the porter removing their heads and taking their ears. All the while two disguised beings looked at each other.

Alright lads things are now picking up as we meet our first new characters

also you were thinking orc's when you saw the title right?

Blue_Robincreators' thoughts