
54th time

--I still have strength left, to do what my dirty cowardice prevented me from doing," --said Son of the Condor, entering that arid, sun-drenched land, ---"I will finally be able to die with dignity. I will not sleep. I will not rest. I will not laugh anymore. I am not worthy. Here I come my queens, I hope I can die in battle for you.

The Woajuus were peaceful fishermen, but fearsome when they marched to war. Their bongos and piraguas infected the Orinoco, the Meta and the Guaviare, cutting off trade, harassing the troops of Ru Za Beru and en masse they came to pay obeisance to Tahirza. They expected nothing. They were too worthy, for that the friendship of her was enough for them.

---I don't know if I will be up to the task of being a war princess," ---Tahirza exclaimed worriedly to her sister, who exchanged her costumes for the short war bonnet.
