
Chapter Twenty Seven

When she got to her room, she couldn't stop thinking about Emanuel. She kept on feeling sorry and the need to go and apologize was unbearable but she stopped herself as it is useless.

She was on her bed, still thinking about it but when she looked at her window, she noticed that the sun has already set in and dinner time has already passed since someone came in and told her that dinner was ready but she didn't go since she doesn't have any appetite left in her after having that conversation with her fiancé.

Now that the sun has set and everyone is already asleep, she decided that it is the best time to undergo her plan that she came up with a while ago.

She changed into another cloth and grabbed her sword before going out of her room through her window.

Fortunately, there are so many trees so that she can jump from one to another which can reduce the chance of her being seen by people. She got there with no time.
