
Am I That Bad?

"I will ask Geoffrey to install a new desktop computer on your desk. Because soon you will need computers a lot when you are in college, right?" Allynna nods.  "And, for laptops, I will give you new laptops that have been modified. You can use it without worrying about being hacked."

Allynna was stunned to hear that, and instantly she remembers the first time they met in Principle Pearcy's office. Leon called her with her pseudonym in the Dark Web, HALF MOON.

"Brother Leon, you, have you ever hacked my computer? That's why you know my nickname?" She saw him in the eyes. 

Leon nods and smiles at the same time.

"I know it! Gosh, how could you trace me?" She feels worried about her talent now. How can Leon find out her true identity so quickly?
