
Chapter 32

I’d never had the chance to give her the tapes.

Her boyfriend was the prime suspect, even after his body was discovered on the sidewalk at the back of her building with his face smashed in, having apparently hurled himself from the roof and done a face-plant on the concrete below.

“Remorse!” the newspapers decreed. They had a field day, going into loving detail over the many knife wounds, any one of which could have been fatal and all of which had bled profusely.

Spike was as white as his hair. Paul looked sick. I felt hollow myself.

All the boys and girls of DC’s party community came to her funeral, and Babe, Delilah’s BFF, arrived from out of town with her little boy to be there to honor Delilah’s memory. Charles, who I’d wound up spending a single night with, stood on Babe’s other side. For a change he didn’t snark at me—he hadn’t taken our breakup well—but I hardly noticed him. Well, I was so blinded by tears I hardly noticed anyone.
