
Chapter 5

“Did you pick the mushrooms yourself?”


“This. This is why I moved here, why I’m currently lost in the forest. I want to cook with fresh ingredients. Foraged or bought locally.”

“Yes, it’s nice,” he says with a smile.

“Tell me a little about yourself. If you don’t mind me asking, I mean.”

“What do you wanna know?”

“Whatever you’re comfortable sharing.”

Viggo hums and eats a few spoonfuls of the fragrant soup. “I’m forty-one. I work as an electrician and live in Malm? but prefer spending my time here. If it wasn’t so inconvenient for work, I’d move here. I have two sisters, one older and one younger, and a younger brother, and we’re pretty close. I love horror movies. Especially low-budget B-movies. I’ll watch anything that ends with ‘of the living dead.’”

That makes me chuckle. “A zombie fan, huh?”

“Of course. Who doesn’t like zombies?”

“I don’t.” I grin.
