
Chapter 8

“You don’t care for him, do you? Adam said you two were always jealous of him. Was that part true?”

“That we don’t care for him, yes. But jealous? Fuck, no.” Michael shook his head. “We were nineteen and seventeen when Adam was born. I was trying to get through my law degree and Aiden was attempting to get enough Universities and Colleges Admission Service points to study at university.” Michael glanced at Aiden. “We’re practically a different generation to Adam, so we just went on with everything.”

“While we were annoyed that Michael’s parents seemed to forget that they had another kid, we weren’t jealous.” Aiden went on. “We’re fucking adults. Why would we be jealous of a little kid? They were still around, so we had their attention. We just got on with it.” He pushed off the doorway and rubbed the back of his neck. “And we kept out of the way when both of us realized that Adam would get us into trouble if he didn’t get his own way. We’re too old to be dealing with his drama.”
