
Chapter 6

“What? I’m coming.”

“Brendan wants to talk to you.”

The door clicked shut, and then Dr. Reed’s familiar voice greeted him. “How are you feeling?”

Now that he wasn’t completely out of his head, it was hard not to appreciate the sight of Jeremy Reed. When Brendan had first moved to this small Oregon town, the first thing he’d done was find the vet. Raider was his baby, his number one priority no matter where he lived. But this doctor was a far cry to Raider’s last one. This one had the most delicious dark skin Brendan had ever seen, with warm brown eyes and a smile that couldn’t look insincere if the guy was paid a million bucks. Both Brendan and Raider had liked him on sight. It was good fortune Brendan had managed to find his house.

“Probably a lot better once I get some painkillers in me at the hospital.” He smiled, though in his current state, he wasn’t sure if it came across as one or as a grimace. “I want to thank you for everything. It’s been…a rough few days for me.”
