
Chapter 7

Almost immediately, I felt an orgasm welling up. That was quick! I thought she said it was going to be a long slow one. A second later the orgasm burst on me—and it kept on bursting. In all my prior experience an orgasm was a tiny microsecond of bliss—but in this case the bliss just kept on and on. I lost all sense of time. I’ve no idea how long the super-orgasm lasted—a half-hour at least, maybe even more.

Finally I opened my eyes and looked up at Katie. She was the most beautiful person I’d ever seen. I was totally, head-over-heels, in love.

“Damn you, woman,” I murmured. “Now you’ve made me fall in love with you. I neverfall in love. I like being free and single.”

She grinned at me mischievously. “Maybe I really am a witch after all. I used my witchcraft on you.”

I shook my head emphatically. “Nah, witchcraft doesn’t enter into it. It was the G-spot massage that did it. And I want more.”
