
Chapter 4

Next in the sequence was the sexy-assed Professor Burgess. She blinked at the group solemnly. “My name’s Belinda and I’m forty-two years old. I’m an academic specializing in women’s spirituality and other feminist issues. I’ve already attained mystical enlightenment, but I still like to meditate every now and then to consolidate my spiritual accomplishment.”

The next person to speak was Raven, the muscular, African-American porn star I’d whiled away so many idle hours watching. I was looking forward to finding out what the hippie code for “porn star” was. “Hi, my name’s Raven,” she said brightly. “I’m twenty-two, same as my partner here, and we’re digital performance artists.”

Right, thanks, question answered—”porn star” equals “digital performance artist”. But I’ve orgasmed so many times watching you banging away at Gerda every night that I really don’t care what you call yourself.
