
Chapter 66

“Yes. Something of her own,” agreed Maggie.

“And things have changed drastically in the few months she’s lived here,” admitted Michael. “I don’t know what it is, but I couldn’t sleep last night, and this morning I walked around the house as if I was lost. I’m not that worried about her; I know where she is and I know you’re on top of everything. But I can’t sleep in that bed without her. Am I going insane?”

“Michael! Of course you’re not becoming insane. You’re in love, sweetie.”

Michael shook her head as she sipped the hot beverage. “It is very bad.”

“Love?” Maggie was confused.

“No. The state I’m in. I cannot sleep without her beside me. I’m okay in my own house when I stay there on Monday nights, and I know she’ll have to be away on assignment from time to time but now, I know she’s a few kilometers away and I cannot stand it. I cannot stand knowing I cannot call her if I need to. I can’t hear her voice.”
