
Chapter 69

He scoured the living room from the kitchen as Jen spoke. He didn’t see RJ’s laptop.

Hope he didn’t put that stuff on the Cloud like I asked.

Pad’s mind drifted as Jen interrupted their conversation to chastise one of her kids. It had been awhile since he logged on and checked RJ’s browsing history. He used to check RJ’s internet search habits once a day. Over time his double-checking spread to once a week, then once a month. He probably hadn’t checked on it for a few weeks, even though Pad had been online to check out wedding stuff. Before they broke up, Pad would’ve have never thought about checking RJ’s activities on the computer.

But, Pad had to admit that their relationship changed when they created new ground rules after they moved back in together; one of them was no chat rooms. That meant no InstaChat, no Snapchat, no WebCam link-ups. In some ways the chats bothered Pad more even though RJ took on a fictitious online identity when he went on them.
