
Chapter 25


“Hey what?” Zach asked, tossing the offending cotton candy in the nearest trash bin.

“Who’s taking care of Alice?” Alice was, of course, his cat. Big white and orange fluffy thing.

“Now’s the time to worry about Alice.”

I shrugged. “You made a face like her.”

He gave me his famous smirk. “The lady in the condo next to me. Mabel. She goes in to feed her every day.”

“Mabel has a key?”

“So do you.”

“Well, yeah.” I sucked on my lip. “Who else has one?”

“Just you two. Does it matter?” He looked at me incredulously.


Zach headed toward the restrooms. “Have to wash this crap off my fingers.” After we’d done that, Zach glanced at me. “What next?”

“Ferris wheel.”

He eyed it dubiously. “That thing?”

“Come on. It’ll be fun.” I grabbed his arm and started tugging him in that direction. We got tickets and got on the ride.

“This doesn’t look safe,” he complained as the ride began to move.
