
Chapter 16

“That’s all I can think of, baby.”

“You asshole. I’m being serious, you know I’m being serious, and you go off on that bullshit.”

He got serious. “Okay, I’m not that good at these types of situations. What are you talking about?”

Their food arrived, several dishes, and neither ate.

“Dr. Sumner is gay. I finally cornered him. He has a boyfriend and everything.”

“Does that mean he won’t take you to bed?” Dino tried to be straight and serious.

“Right. But, a few weeks ago, Dr. Sullivan showed up in the ER from upstairs. He was in a lot of pain. We stabilized him, and I got him to relax. I should tell you I’ve seen him a few times. He’s the hottiefrom research that all the girls wet their panties over. So, we scheduled him for an emergency appendectomy. He went upstairs, and I never saw him again.”

Dino picked at his food, eating directly from the serving plates. He was getting an idea of what was coming.
