
Chapter 24

“You and I have discussed this before but I want to make it very clear in front of Charlie and Michael. This is all up to you. They can take you only as far as you’re willing to go. They will not go easy on you; they will expect only the best. If you reach a point where you can’t go on, we’ll stop. That’s it. The end. You’ve got a very difficult job ahead of you and if you don’t feel fully trained, or one of us doesn’t think you’re ready, we’ll pull the plug. Craig and Richard are adamant, and frankly, I fully agree. If there’s any doubt, however small, by anyone, we stop. We’d rather try another approach entirely than see you end up the way those last two did. Do we agree?”

Cam looked her straight in the eye. “Totally.”

Maggie relaxed back in her seat. “Good,” she said. “Shall we begin? Charlie gets to start today.”
