
Chapter 8

“Well, I sincerely hope you won’t.” I’d never heard that tone in my mother’s voice, and it reminded me she’d had a life before I’d been born. “Not unless you give me some notice so I can have a secluded grave ready.”

She laughed. “Thank you, Quinton.” She leaned toward me and kissed my cheek. “Your father would be so proud of the man you’ve become.”

“Thank you.” I could feel myself blushing. My father was the best man I’d ever known. I cleared my throat. “What’s the possibility the senator will be here tonight?”

“I’m afraid the odds aren’t in my favor. I hate to put this on you, sweetheart, butif you see me tug my left earlobe, would you mind coming to my rescue?”

“You’re not putting anything on me. I’ll be your white knight.”

“Thank you. Now, let’s talk of something else. You’re looking very well. As a matter of fact, even better than when you’d been seeing Susan. I think that was a wise move on your part, breaking up with her.”
