
Chapter 24

And the bickering,Jesus.Couldn’t they put a sock in it,just this once?

“I told you to take your damn tools out of the hall,”Jack snapped,slamming a drawer shut.Silverware rattled together inside,a jangle of noise.“But do you listen?No.Now look what happened.”

Brandt started,“It isn’t my fault.I had them all piled up neatly in the corner—”

“Then how’d she trip over them?You’re lucky she didn’t break her neck.”

Lori sighed.“Guys,stop,will you?”

They both ignored her.“She could’ve turned on a light,”Brandt said.He came over to where she sat and ran a hand over the top of her head,smoothing down her disheveled hair.“How you holding up,honey?”

“Everything hurts,”she admitted.

Jack slammed another drawer shut.“Where’s the fucking Advil?Something to take the edge off before we go to the ER.”

“I don’t need to go anywhere,”Lori protested.“Just give me some ice,I’ll be fine.”
