
Chapter 106

“Yoda? You have to pick a Muppet?” He shook his head. “What are you doing out here, squirt? Talk to me.”

“Just needed some air.”


“Wondering about us,” Sebastian admitted. “If there is an us.”

“There’s an us. What exactly are you wondering?”

Sebastian couldn’t meet his gaze, the dark eyes were too intense. Like they could see into his very soul. Maybe they could. But Sebastian felt too raw for that.

“At the end of the week I’m going back to Stanford. You’ll still be in LA.”

Pablo nodded and, holding onto Sebastian’s jaw, he pressed their lips together, hard, but brief. Sebastian wanted more. “Are you wondering if this is just a fling, a one week thing, and then everything will go back to the way it was?”

He winced at the bluntness, but nodded.

“It can be that way, if that’s what you want.”

“And if I want more?”

“Then that’s what you’ll get.”

Sebastian studied Pablo for a long time, trying to read those fathomless dark eyes. “What do you want, Pablo? Really.”
