
Chapter 32

“You shouldn’t have let me sleep so late. I’m sorry about this morning. Can we try again tonight? If I know what’s coming, maybe I’ll do better.”

“We’ll see.”

“You’re not angry with me are you?”

“No baby, never at you, at circumstances maybe, but never with you. Remember this happened to my mother. My father was terrified that he would lose her. Back then there were no medications to take and counseling was primitive at best. That was a time when they still blamed the victim. She came back to us, but it was a close call.”

“I like Dr. Coté, but he doesn’t seem to be helping me much, if at all. I’m getting better physically, but I still jump at the slightest sound and the only places I’ve been able to go without Marceau is to the other Mates’ homes, and only because Leon drove me. If you, Leon or Marceau aren’t with me, I panic.”

“Why didn’t you tell me it was getting that bad?”
