
Can You Finally Understand?

Rukelion knew the kids loved him. What he didn't understand why was Roselia seemed to be every bit accepting of his sins as her mother. 

"She said a lot of the same things you do," he mumbled in confusion. "Why would she do that?"

"Like what?" Daisy asked. 

"Saying I was good because I made good choices and turned my life around. The sort of thing you tell me all the time. She also specifically said I wasn't a villain. It's hard to believe when it's only coming from one person but when it's coming from two…"

"It's harder to ignore, isn't it? Rosie and I aren't the only ones who think so either. Anyone who knows you would agree. Can you finally understand what I've been telling you all this time?"

Rukelion might be starting to. He had turned his life around. He chose love instead of hatred and was raising four beautiful, happy, healthy children. He was able to honor his homeland and his family without hurting anyone now too. 
