
Immortal Thread

"Are you ok Matthew? You look tired." Asked a worried Cho who was currently sitting with Matthew and Hermione in the Library behind a big pile of Papers and Books studying together.

"Huh, yeah I am fine. I just didn't sleep much. I've gathered some unexpected data during my current Potion research that kept me awake. Turns out I am not always right. I also can make some very wrong assumptions." Replied Matthew with a chuckle as he looked at the worried Asian girl.

"Did you break Curfew again?" came Hermione with a bossy tone from the other side. "You shouldn't break the Rules!" she continued with a scandalized voice.

"I know, I know, but the day just doesn't have enough hours for me especially with Curfew." Replied Matthew with a defeated Voice. "Don't worry Hermione. Curfew isn't one of the Rules you could get thrown out for. At most I would have to do some detentions. But most teachers are understanding especially if you are a good student." He calmed the bushy-haired first-year down.

"If you say so. But please be careful." Said the worried girl.

"Yes don't worry. Come let's continue studying."

~ Scene Break ~

'Oh how utterly wrong I was.' Mused Matthew as he returned to the Room of Requirements where he once again checked the results of his latest experiments on the Philosopher's Stone. 'But this is also good.'

Matthew spent the last few weeks after stealing the Philosopher Stone experimenting and studying it. After all even Nicholas Flamel only knew a fraction of the things the Stone could Accomplish summarized to turning metal into gold and immortality through the Elixir of Life.

His systematical study of the Stone with the help of the AI, allowed him to discover many possible functions. The Philosopher Stone was full of pure energy derived from the Lifeforce of many Humans. Matthew confirmed that this particular Stone was created during the Black Death Pandemic around the year 1350. From the Stone, he derived the Ritual for the Creation of the Stone, but this was something only a dark lord would do since it required hundreds of thousands of human lives to form a Stone of this size.

He also was able to replicate the elixir of Life, the alchemical Potion that kept the Flamel's alive for centuries. But it had some major flaws, it only added Lifespan to the body. It converted the Lifeforce inside the Stone into Lifespan in form of an elixir, but the body didn't stop aging it doesn't get revitalized. The Lifeforce inside the Stone is too chaotic in Nature to create an elixir that added directly Lifeforce to the consumer. It was a flaw inherent to this Philosopher Stone based on its creation, Matthew improved the Ritual to create a Philosopher Stone so it contained pure usable Lifeforce, but it would most likely remain a theory.

This new version of the Stone would be not in crystallized form but it would become a liquid similar to blood and could be absorbed by someone. It would then grant the consumer a lifespan of millions of years and empower his body further while keeping him youthful. The vast amount of energy would allow him also to access many new alchemical powers like transmuting different materials at will. At least in theory. The creation of the Stone would require trillions of human lives, far more than humans on earth. He would need to sacrifice multiple generations to create one stone, although he would do a lot to ensure his survival, he wasn't that mad. The high cost for the Stone came from the conversion of chaotic Lifeforce to pure usable Lifeforce, it wasted a lot of energy. But there was no way to improve the process at least at the moment.

With the Stone currently in his possession, Matthew could accomplish many new things that were a problem for him previously. One of them was acquiring raw resources in large amounts, he discovered that he could turn not only metals into gold but also Stones, Wood, and Dirt into simple metals. Unfortunately, it didn't work with magical metals like goblin Silver for some reason, something was missing there since he didn't possess a sample he was unable to figure it out. He Filled one of the compartments with different kinds of metals and rare elements so he had a stock of them if he ever needed them. He also created enough gold in form of different bars and coins so he could exchange them in a pawn shop if he ever was on the run.

The most interesting discovery for himself was that he could possibly create high-grade magical essence with the Stone. With that, he would be able to create a new potion to expand his magical reserves. His progress after all slowed down to the level of a talented wizard in his fifth year. Yes, he was far more advanced than students similar to his age but in a few years, there would be a war that would endanger him. And he was at least 60 years away from the Level of Dumbledore and Voldemort at his current Speed. So this discovery was a welcome surprise.

But while he was trying to create high-grade magical essence he made a discovery that utterly surprised him and also worried him. 'Sarah is this analysis really correct? You didn't make a mistake during your calculations?' he asked the AI mentally.

[Yes, my calculation was made while considering all common scientifical safety and failure-proof measures. These Results are correct with a probability of 99,3%.]

When he scanned the Philosopher Stone in Gringotts he soon found out that the Stone was created with Humans as the main ingredient. The Obvious conclusion for Matthew was that the "Creator" of the Stone was a Dark Lord based on the amount of Lifes needed, The supposed Creator was Nicholas Flamel according to every history book in the magical world, the only discrepancy he found were some records in the non-magical world mentioning the stone as early as in the 9th Century in Spain. He ignored them as he believed they were just some legends, but there could be more to them than on the first look.

During his experiments he found two distinct magical signatures remaining on the Stone. One of them was the one of the Creator and another was the one who used the Stone the last centuries. And they were different from each other. It seems that Nicholas Flamel wasn't a dark lord but another third party created the Stone and Nicholas acquired the Stone. There should be another Philosopher Stone out there since this stone was created over four centuries after the first records of the Stone.

'Well Shit, there may be another dark lord level thread out there that also was immortal and centuries old. At least I can return to my original Plan and exchange the Philosopher Stone for the knowledge in the Flamels Library maybe even a scholarship, being the Student of Nicholas Flamel would give me a lot of prestige.' Planned Matthew as he observed the blood-red Stone in his hand. 'But after I took full advantage of the Philosopher Stone. Well, I can't wait too long since the Flamel's Lifespan was limited without the Stone. Let's get back to work.' He thought as he returned to his experiments to create the high-grade magical essence.


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