
Returning to the Palace

They both left the residence and moved towards the training area. Saito frowned a little as he noticed that they were still training brutally.

He looked towards Sophie beside him and asked her, "What happened to them? Why are they training like this?"

Sophie answered him quickly, "It's because, in these five days, there were multiple beasts which approached this place. Joergen managed to defeat all of them very quickly. However, this happened in front of their eyes. They saw Joergen's strength and since then, they have been training very aggressively."

This was indeed out of expectations for Saito. It was indeed a good opportunity to show true strength to them and what they would need to fight against in the future.

Saito loudly spoke out, "Assemble everyone!" Every single Eternal Knight within the Execution Ground assembled in front of Saito.
