

He placed the giant weapon box that he was carrying and relaxed his body. He opened the box and spoke out, "You all can choose the weapon that you want. However, I hope that you will choose a weapon suitable for your physique. I cannot help you in this matter, you can only choose to trust your instincts. However, the dagger is important, and make sure to take it and keep it hanged on your waist."

This was the most logical one right now. He currently did not have the time or the way to assess their compatibility with a weapon. It was better for them to just choose it themselves.

Each one of the Eternal Knights smiled as they stepped forward and picked up a weapon with which they were most suitable. 

They also chose one dagger since this was what they have been ordered by Saito. Sophie was standing together with Saito and hugged him as she stared at these people choosing the weapon for themselves.
