
Easier than expected

<Later that night?>

Alice finally finished her tour of the place, which was mostly uneventful. We stopped by the grand hall door, which was located at the very back, making it rather simple to get to. As for the other places, I couldn't care less, but it was nice to know. 

A detail I noticed after a few hours had gone by was that there was no change in the atmosphere outside, as if it were forever nighttime. The Alice in my head said they had a normal day-night cycle back then, so it must be the dungeon keeping things in a perpetual state. 

"If you need anything Elysia, I'll be in my room for a while." Physical Alice waved her goodbyes while walking into the darkness of the hallway. I waved back and entered my room to get a little rest before infiltrating the grand hall. 

I may not have fought much, but I was mentally exhausted from all the running and stress of pretending to be someone I'm not.
