

The fire crackled in the fireplace, spreading the warm red-orange light in the otherwise dark room. The moon was bright in the sky, accompanied by twinkling stars.

After finishing dinner and a small walk in the garden, it was finally time to sleep. A sleep that Zerith was craving for the past ten years.

He was happy today... more than he had ever been. With no family of his own, he grew up his age feeling lonely at the night. His days were always busy. And with the love from the Longhurst family, his mind didn't think about his loneliness during the days.

But the nights were always cold, lonely and painful.

But not anymore, he told himself, watching the woman with brown eyes making his bed. The ring-the only piece of jewellery she wore- shone under the light of the fire bringing a proud smile to his face.

She was his now, and he was hers!
