

Isabella neared Oscar and Bertha while glaring at Oscar. He smiled sheepishly before giving her an apologetic look. That did the trick as a small smile played on Isabella's face.

Bertha watched the exchange between them in awe. She had seen Lord Ralph and Lady Cordelia sharing such sweet moments with each other when they thought they were alone.

But Bertha didn't think much about it as she seemed it would be inappropriate as they were the motherly and fatherly figures in her life. But watching Isabella and Oscar, who was a few years older than her, she couldn't help but want such a sweet relationship for herself.

Did Gerald ever wonder so watching them? she couldn't help but think.

"Bertha? Bertha?"

Bertha's train of thought was broken by Isabella's calls. She blinked twice before she asked, "I am sorry! What were you saying?"

"I was asking about your aunt. How is she doing now?" 
