
Chapter 6: Making money from fishing for the first time

Their casual conversation goes for another half an hour while waiting for the Uncle Yu reply to the chat group, some even right away call to deal with Uncle Yu.

"Lao Lin, how can you be sneaky like this? Our old friends are all raising price in the group and you want to make a deal with me? I told you, this is not something I catch, I am just helping being the middle man. You listen carefully, if you don't compete properly in the chat group I will not accept bet from you again."

Uncle Yu talk openly with his friend in front of the villagers and Bai siblings.

The Head Village laugh as he listen to the conversation.

By now, the price has reach 3650 yuan per kilo in the chat but that old friend want to negotiate a price of 3250 yuan, so ridiculous.

"Yi Yang, seems like this fish you caught is much more rare that we thought." Head Village Li said.

By now, a few other villagers has also come to the river to see the fish. They never knew that the river in their village really have this kind of fish.

This event today will become a story that will be told for a long time like old man Wang.

When the villagers have questions, the boys or Fang Fang will actively reply, there is no need for Bai Yi Yang to open her mouth to retell the story.

The story of the Bai siblings catching a river monster has spread in the village.

By the time the chat group of Uncle Yu stop bidding, the price has reach 3800 yuan per kilo.

The villagers grasp when they heard it. That expensive?! The price of one kilo can feed them for a few months.

The Bai siblings indeed caught a jackpot like Uncle Yu said.

"Thank you Uncle Yu, if it's not because of your help, we won't be able to find a generous buyer." Bai Yi Yang politely said.

"Bai yatou, this uncle is the one who should be thankful that in this life I have the chance to see this fish. As someone who has been fishing for tens of years, my old friend who bought your fish will also feel that he pay too little. If you don't believe me wait until he saw this fish in person." Uncle Yu laugh proudly.

"Third Yu, you are exaggerating.."

An uncle said at Uncle Yu words.

"Who says? You wait and see, if I am lying then I will jump into the river for you to see."

Uncle Yu retort the other person.

Some of the villagers laugh at their exchange.

Those who are not busy stay to see if the buyer really will pay a huge amount and the one who have work to do just remind the other to update them later.

"Bai yatou, while waiting for the buyer why don't you show us some fishing skills. Looking at the fish you caught, I feel like eating eel too, too bad that the Head Village already reserved the one you caught."

An aunt who has larger body build than the other aunt said from amongst the crowd.

They have been eyeing to buy the eel but when she asked about it from Bai Yi Ling, she said it already been reserved by the Head Village earlier on.

What a bummer, if only she came a bit earlier.

"Aunt Mu, I am really sorry but my energy is really used up just now.." Bai Yi Yang is not lying. Battling with the large fish is energy consuming, what more she is actually a bit afraid to fish now, what if she caught another extraordinary fish, these villagers may think that she is a monster now.

"That's too bad.."

Aunt Mu look longingly at the fat eel in the bucket.

River eel is hard to find in the common supermarket, what more their village is quite far from the town wet market.

How good it is to eat eel roasted with charcoal, she almost drool.

The boys eyes brighten when they heard this, especially Xiao Bao. If he haven't brag to the villagers about how he will gift the eel to his grandpa, then he would have sell the eel to Aunt Mu.

Aunt Mu is well know to be quite generous in the village, she will surely pay a huge sum of money for the eel.

"We will try to get Aunt Mu some eel!"

The boys quickly set up their fishing line and sat down.

With the villagers watch, the boys become more energetic.

Although they didn't get fish as fast as when they were fishing with Bai Yi Yang, shout of joy can be heard once in a while.

Its only that they haven't catch any eel yet.

Uncle Yu was amazed. He never think that their river is really a treasure where even boys can easily get something.

"Yatou, can I borrow your fishing rod? I also want to try my luck today. It has been a while since I last fish." Uncle Yu said.

"Third Yu, why? After seeing the boys caught a lot you also drooling?"

The other villagers said, teasing.

"Go ahead Uncle Yu. Uncle Lan fishing rod is quite durable." Bai Yi Yang said.

Uncle Yu nod at Bai Yi Yang and humphed at those people who tease him. He sat among the boys at Bai Yi Yang previous spot.

About 5 minutes waiting, Uncle Yu face brim into happiness, he really caught something.

The villagers is shocked too, they were laughing at Third Yu just now but after just 5 minutes, he caught something. What's going on with their river today?

"Eel, its an eel!" The boys exclaimed and cheer.

Aunt Mu also cheer, is she finally be able to eat eel?

When the line was brought up, the size doesn't lose to the one caught by Bai Yi Yang.

"Yatou, I never get lucky like this before..hahaha..this is really a good day."

Uncle Yu laugh until her face is red.

Bai Yi Yang just smile as she watch the villagers become more intrigued. Of course he will caught something, she had shared the same amount of luck to him too.

Once he started, Uncle Yu earnestly start fishing again.

Now, the frequency of his catch is similar to the boys, some of the other kids who join to watch the fun also went back home to get their bucket, they also want to buy some fish.

Uncle Yu wife who came to scold her husband also end up returning home to fetch a bigger bucket.

The villagers was amazed, they should have come with their fishing rod today too.

After waiting for almost and hour, a four-wheel drive car with fish tank at the truck stopped at the road about 50 meter away from the river edge.

Uncle Yu finally stopped fishing and return the fishing rod to Bai Yi Yang.

The one who came is not only the buyer Boss Sun, but also a few other people in the chat group.

"So this is the person who caught the fish?"

Boss Sun look joyously at Bai Yi Yang and pat her shoulder, feeling so proud as if she was his child.

"I just had a good luck today."

Bai Yi Yang humbly said.

The story of how the fish was caught was already told by Uncle Yu so they didn't ask again, they just want to see the fish now.

And as expected, when they saw it, the people who came together with Boss Sun regret not betting more money on it.

They really won't lose money even if they bought it for 4000 yuan. They can sell it for at least an extra 100 yuan per kilo.

"This is much more better fish than I expected."

Boss Sun shake his head. Now he feel guilty for offering less.

"Miss Bai, to be honest even if you want to sell it for 4000 yuan per kilo I will still gladly buy it. My brother own a big restaurant in the city and I was planning to sell it to him."

Boss Sun said honestly.

Head Village Li and the other villagers are shocked, like Third Yu said, the buyer will really offer a higher price.

The uncle who refute Uncle Yu just now hide behind other villager.

"Boss Sun, the agreed price was 3800 yuan per kilo, so I will sell it with that price."

Bai Yi Yang smile. She didn't think that the fish can fetch this high price, but for a future connection, she will sell with the agreed price.

In the future when she want to sell fish then she can just find Boss Sun.

She doesn't plan to publicise her fishing skill in front of the villagers in the future to not attract trouble.

"Good! Good!"

Boss Sun feel satisfied with this young girl. Not only skilled, she also has a principle.

"Then this old man will take advantage of Miss Bai this time." Boss Sun said then laugh.

After that a worker brought by Boss Sun bring out the scale to weight the fish.

It came out to be 12.5 kilogram, the total come out to be 47,500 yuan.

The Bai sibling is shocked and the villagers is more shocked.

That much money for a fish?

"I will transfer it to Miss Bai now."

Boss Sun said as she take out his smartphone.

Bai Yi Yang finally realised that she doesn't have an account or smartphone, what more an Allpay account.


Bai Yi Yang try to wreck her brain. Should he ask him to give her cash? But who bring that much cash around nowadays?

"Yang Yang."

A cool voice call her from amongst the crowd.

Bai Yi Yang look over and saw Bai Yi Chen coming over.

She is caught and will get an earful, she thought.

Well with the rate of how the news spread in the village, it will be weird if Bai Yi Chen didn't catch news.

"You are?"

Boss Sun look at the young teenager. He can already guess that this must be the older brother, or the head of the family but he still ask.

"I am their older brother."

Bai Yi Chen said, a serious look on his face.

He doesn't know how to interpret his feeling now. He knows that his siblings did nothing wrong but how come he the older brother doesn't know that his younger siblings is making tens of thousands transactions now?

If not because of the other villagers who share a shuttle van with him returning from work, then he will never know about this matter.

After coming down from the van, he and the fellow workers head to the river immediately, and as what he have been told, his younger sister Bai Yi Yang is really making a deal with some middle age man now.

"This is great. Miss Bai here agree to sell the fish to me, then I can just transfer the money to your account right?" Boss Sun said.

"Boss Sun is correct. I am still young so only my older brother has an account amongst us, please do so."

Bai Yi Yang said, slightly pushing her brother in front of her to deal with Boss Sun.

Bai Yi Chen sigh.

He really need to talk to Bai Yi Yang later. But for now he went to finish the transfer with Boss Sun first.

"All settled. Miss Bai, this is my contact number, if you have something good like this in the future, then please call me." Boss Sun said.

"I will."

Bai Yi Yang nod, totally ignoring Bai Yi Chen piercing look.

Boss Sun nod at her with a bright smile on his face.

After talking a bit with Uncle Yu, he and his group left with the 47, 500 yuan fish.

Today, the villagers eyes really opened.

Then after tidying up their things, the villagers also left one by one. Some of them left with the fish that they bought from the boys and Bai Yi Yang.

With the large bucket 1/3 filled with the fish caught by Bai Yi Yang and Bai Yi Mo, Bai Yi Chen carry it and bring his siblings home.

It is now about 5.30 in the evening. A trip that should have been only two hours become longer because Bai Yi Yang caught a rare fish.

When they return, there won't be time to go see the vegetables garden.

The two little one in front was giggling along the way, cannot wait to reach home to count their money.

The fish Bai Yi Mo caught was mostly sold to the villagers and the uncles that came with Boss Sun. The one in the bucket are the fish Bai Yi Yang caught, other than giving the eel to the Head Village Li and the largest fish she caught to the Lan family because they lent her a fishing pole, she keep the other for their family to eat.

Fang Fang had talked to her a few times to quickly go home and cook the fish, how can she sell it to other.

Today she will let Fang Fang eat fish to her fill.

Bai Yi Ling walk together with her older sister and brother. She can feel quite a tense aura from her brother. She can't help but feel guilty.

Elder brother asked her to take care of the other but they end up going fishing to the river. She entirely forgot that Bai Yi Yang just recovered, especially when Bai Yi Yang start catching a lot of fish, she was entirely fooled by Bai Yi Yang healthy look.

To be honest, Bai Yi Yang also feels quite uncomfortable with Bai Yi Chen serious look, but she ignore it.

What important is that they have a bit of money now.

She should buy smartphone first, hehe.

Then open an account.

After that she can make more money without Bai Yi Chen being there all the time.

She laugh silently at her perfect plan.
