
Chapter 33: Setting Off

With no destination in mind, I fired up the converter.

Channeling my mana throughout my body, I focused it into a single strand.

That strand connected me to the converter.

Using this energy, the airship began to lighten up.

It started off by gently blowing the grass around it till it blew even the trees off the ground nearby.

Thankfully I built it a distance away from my base as I think even my tree wall would have been blown away.

Now with the converter completely charged, the ship started to slowly float upward.

A few minutes later, it had reached the perfect altitude for departure.

Giving it another burst of mana, I directed the wind to push the ship forward.


The feeling was indescribable.

Unlike when I was falling from the cliff, instead of the wind harshly hitting my face.

It was more like a gentle breeze surrounding everything around me.

Soon, I reached the clouds.

Shoving even more mana into the ship, I pushed it completely upwards.

Punching a hole straight through the clouds, it was visible to everyone within a 100 kilometers.


Simply exhilarating.

Looking down, I saw the sky filled with clouds.

A tear fell from my eyes.

I've done it...

My dream can finally be fulfilled.

All those years of suffering.

They've finally paid off.
