
[Chapter:19][Lots of Gossip.]



"Nom nom nom"



"Nom nom nom"

A very strange scene was playing out on the rooftop of Kuoh Academy.

One man, seemingly nearing twenties despite looking quite youthful, was wearing black cooling glasses as he ate his food elegantly, yet at a ferocious speed.

Two little girls, one with blue hair and the other with white, both as flat as airports, were also eating their lunch along with him.

One of the two girls, the older blue head Rhianna, was looking at the two people before her, her dear big brother, and the new 'friend' she made the previous day, curiously.

As for the other little one…



Her stoic, nearly emotionless eyes were staring hard into the youth's cooling glasses, seemingly wanting to pierce through them, as she kept moving her hand between her mouth and her bento, devouring her food at an alarming rate.

This young white haired little girl is named Koneko Tojou, a former Nekoshou and currently the 'Rook' of the Heiress of Gremory.

She is quite famous in Kuoh Academy for being calm, cold, indifferent, yet serious, and often breaks the nuts of horny boys that dare to get too close to her, giving her a rather frightening reputation.

What only a few people close to her are aware of, is that she is, in fact, a little glutton, with an extreme sweet tooth, something that can actually be easily seen by the fact that her 'lunch' consisted of several different kinds of cakes and pastries and chocolates and candies.

But those who are in the know of this would be quite surprise at seeing the scene, as at the moment, the black haired youth and the white haired loli were in a unanimous competition of seeing who finishes their lunch faster, and even thought the little loli even had a head start…


"I'm done."

The youth actually beat her, and without even looking like a binge eater! In fact, the whole meal, he looked as elegant as a prince.


Koneko's eyes widened slightly as she realised she had lost the unspoken competition, before her cheeks bulged out ever so lightly, a tiny pout displaying her dissatisfaction.


"Yes you did."

Echo's cold, indifferent voice made her nose wrinkle as her pout became noticeable more.

Echo got up, packing his bento quickly as he walked towards the door.

"See you later."

He paused near the blue head for a moment as he rubbed Rhianna's head lightly, making her close her eyes as she purred in comfort.

Then, he walked to the door and opened it, entering as he closed it behind him softly.



"Nom nom nom *gulp*"

Rhianna gulped her food down her throat as she looked at the white haired loli still looking at the door with a blank face and smiled.

"He's my Onii-chan. Isn't he handsome, Ko-chan?"

Koneko twitched at the nickname this 'intrusive and overly friendly human' gave her, but otherwise stayed silent as she continued to eat.

Rhianna, however, didn't remain silent, as her big brother had already left. She knew he preferred to spend his time in quiet, and she herself didn't mind it, since any time she spent with her big brother was time well spent in her mind.

But she was a naturally chatty person, similar to her big sister, and her mouth opened by itself as the white haired loli had to bear a whole half hour's constant, non-stop chatter just as she had the previous day, and just as she would the day after.

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

As he walked down, Echo glanced at a screen he alone could see.

. . . . . .

[Koneko Tojou(Shirone)]

Affection : 13

Secret : Due to what happened to her sister, she is traumatised of her own race and power. She even fears herself, thinking she might lose control and harm those close to her, making her shut off her own emotions and close up in on herself.

. . . . . .

'Lose control…?'

Echo's eyes, with a single black tomoe slowly revolving around his black pupil, narrowed.

For a moment, he wondered if leaving Rhianna with her might be dangerous, and considered 'taking care' of her…

"Based on what Sis told me, she is barely as strong as a mid class."

Thinking about it again, and considering that one would need a solid hit from a Satan Class to break the protective enchantments around his little sister, he decided not to.

"Besides, Rhi seems happy to be around her."

Of course, he knew his little sister was a naturally cheerful and friendly girl, and since they only met a day ago, he doubted she'd be too sad over her 'disappearance'…

Then again, the white haired loli also seemed to be the first 'friend' of the blue haired loli in her new school, even if from different grades…

'Perhaps, a more peaceful approach…'

And as if responding to his wish, a sudden prompt appears in his vision.

((A new Quest has been generated.))


Opening the Quests window, Echo looked at the newest addition.

. . . . . .

[A Tale of Two Kitties]

Type : Chain

Description : Two sisters, one unable to face the other, and the other terrified of the one, yet still holding love for one another. Unexpectedly, one of them happened to have become your little sister's first friend in her new school. And based on their personalities, she might also become her first genuine and closest friend. To make your sister happy, take care of her friend's troubles.

[[Part 1 : Evil Devils]]

Objective : Investigate the Naberius family

Reward : 100% EXP | Part 2 of Chain Quest

Optional Objectives : 1) Do not take any assistance

2) Gather evidence of their crimes

3) Submit the evidence to someone influential and who would help

Rewards : 1) 100% EXP | 1 Lottery Ticket

2) 100% EXP | 1 Lottery Ticket

3) 100% EXP | 1 Lottery Ticket

. . . . . .

Echo frowned for a split second, before his brows cleared up.

'It doesn't feel nice…to know the [Game] can predict my decisions before I even take them…'

Alas, that was the sin of being weak. As he was now, Echo was nowhere near even comprehending the sort of existence one would need to be to create something like the [Game], and he had the feeling it would take a very, very long time to even simply see this seemingly unreachable goal of his, let alone conquer it.

Shaking his head to clear his mind, he switched his thoughts, using the one not controlling his body to 'Focus' on his eyes as he made his way to the Student Council Office.

'I have a little over twenty minutes…'

Reaching it, he knocked, and opened the door after he heard a soft 'Enter'.

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

"I didn't think you'd come."

Sona blinked as she watched the student who had managed to interest her step into the room.

The previous day's events were quite surprising to her, to say the least, and she had to admit, while she knew she loved chess, and she certainly had an idea about her desire to become a teacher, she had no clue that combining both these quirks of hers would result in time seemingly flying away, and in the presence of who is practically a stranger no less.

At the same time, though, she had to admit, she developed a rather good impression of the youth before her, even if only for him listening to her explanations 'sincerely'.

Well, she couldn't really tell, him being entirely expressionless and his eyes…unreadable, to say the least, but she at least assumed he was sincere.

And speaking of eyes…

"You're wearing cooling glasses?"

Sona raised a brow, her eyes narrowing as her expression turned slightly strict.

In response, however, Echo merely took off his glasses, deactivating his '1 Tomoe Sharingan' as his blank, abyss-like eyes seemingly devouring all that looked into them bore into Sona's violet eyes, making her unconsciously stiffen for a moment.


Then, he calmly put his glasses back on, and took a seat while reactivating his '1 Tomoe Sharingan', and waited for Sona to bring out the chess board.


Snapping out of her daze, Sona blushed ever so slightly in embarrassment before her expression turned normal once more.

"Well, I guess I can't say anything about that…"



Bringing the chess board out, she quickly and with practiced movements set it up, and began teaching him once more.

"Now, where were we yesterday? Ah, right, the Rook. Not only can the Rook move in all four directions…"

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

*ding* *dong*

"Ah, it seems the break is over."

Sona blinked, once more realising that she had gotten too into the moment, and looked at Echo who kept staring at the board for a few more seconds, before standing up.

"Thank you. I'll come tomorrow at around the same time."

"Ah, yeah, sure."

Sona subconsciously nodded her head as she packed the board away, and lifted her head up, only to find him gone, the door to the office slowly closing.



"*sigh*…what a weird man…"

Shaking her head, she chuckled for a moment, seemingly ringing something strange, but then she sensed the presence of one of her peerage members, and her expression changed back as her strict persona came out once more.

*knock* *knock*


. . . . . .

. . . . . .

Walking back to his class, Echo glanced at the window at the side of his vision.

. . . . . .

[Sona Sitri(Souna Shitori)]

Affection : 41

Secret : Her love for chess first blossomed when it became the only thing she could defeat her elder sister in, and it only grew after it became the reason for her escaping her engagement, by beating her ex-fiancée in the game. Her love for teaching comes from the time she spent with her elder sister as she taught her much of everything she knows, and it grew further as she realised the joy of teaching others, such as her peerage members. She loves chess, and she loves teaching, but more than that, and thought she would never admit it, she loves her elder sister.

. . . . . .

Looking at it briefly, he dismissed it away before his eyes wander, and somehow lock with a pair of golden-yellow ones.



((Due to having a slightly larger dick then before, [Aika Kiryuu Affection : 69 —> 71].))



Echo blinked as he strangely felt a sense of déjà vu.

But then, he forgot to deactivate his 'Juicy Gossip' perk, making another window pop up before him.

. . . . . .

[Aika Kiryuu]

Affection : 71

Secret : When she was young, she had dreamed of having a harem of 3,000 beauties just like many Emperors in stories and fairy tales. Her desire manifested in the form of wet dreams since she was but twelve, catching the eye of a certain Dragon of Dreams. She has its blessing, though she herself isn't aware of it, and her own perverted desires, which soon shifted to men, caused her to awaken an ability called 'Size Scouter', an application of 'Truth' which allows her to know the size of any man's dick. And despite everything, she's a virgin, hasn't even kissed anyone other than her mother and father, and is extremely weak to sincere comments.

. . . . . .


Echo, somehow, felt like he found the actual protagonist of the world.

((Due to looking at her without shifting your gaze away for her being an open pervert, [Aika Kiryuu Affection : 71 —> 77].))


And somehow, he felt like she'd become a good friend of his big sister.

. . . . . .

. . . . . .


Leah rubbed her nose as she blinked.

"I wonder if mom is thinking about me? Or is it Rhi-chan~? Or, E-kun~~?"


"Oh shush you."
