
Rule Over Her

Alexandra's heart skipped a beat. She has only remembered her past and she has planned to spend this life with Maximus happily, as a couple. He has confessed to her this time that he loves her and he never fails to acknowledge her as his wife. She wanted to be his wife this life and has no plans to go back to her home in the heavens.

But her father is asking her back.

"I very much love to visit my mother too, Imperial Father," she said bowing her head. "But first I shall have to go back-"

"You shall return forever!" his voice echoed over the vast seas casting a gleaming light that no human can bear. He looked entirely like a blob of light and even his form went invisible. And in the center, she could see the blue flame concentrating to form a ball.

Maximus covered his face and bowed down and Cathlyn hid behind her entirely using her as a shield. Alexandra was scared too. Her father's anger cannot be taken lightly.
