
Unspoken Words And Misunderstandings

'I have a duty as your husband to protect you…'

She remembered those words that came out of his pretty mouth. It is not a novel idea that he enounced. She's heard those words a lot. That might be true or not.

But she didn't agree with those words when it comes from Max's mouth. She didn't understand why.

[Protect me..? If he wants to protect me, that's not wrong. I don't feel that is wrong. But.. Duty… Ah, that's what I don't like… Duty… I don't want him to protect me because of his duty and whatnot.

But… what do I need? Why do I even bother when he's not even…

As a husband…

Is he even my husband? Or is he Wispy's? The bond that formed by that stone… With whose soul did that bond form?]

She retracted her hand and lied on her side.

That day the spell on that stone got triggered by their blood. Usually, spells that involve blood don't involve just the body. But it would involve the soul too.
