

Grandpa saw all of our interactions and smiled behind his mustache, Goku sure is more mature for his age.

It must be a normal thing from where he's from. Or possible that the hit on the head, made him smarter instead of the other.

For now though, Goku has graduated from his eyes, maybe it is time for him to start on his own adventure.

"Goku." He said, after a moment of thinking, catching everyone's attention, "Perhaps it is best if you Go with Miss Bulma to find the dragonBalls."

He could see Goku's eyes widen in shock, as Rose and Sonic, bulma looked ready to go against it, Sonic was in shock for a completely different reason.

The Dragon Balls? The legend that if you gather all seven Dragonballs, it could grant you any wish, that's real?!"

"It's very real." Bulma smirked smugly raising a dragon ball in her hand to Sonic, Sonic zoomed towards her and grabbed it with sparkling hands electing a "Hey!" From her.

"I could use this to bring back-" Sonic was interrupted when bulma snatched the ball back and glared at him.

"No way in hell is a blur rodent going to ruin my chance at getting the perfect boyfriend!"

"That's what your after?!" Sonic asked extremely perplexed, "Why don't you just make MonkeyLord your Boyfriend!?"

"Because he is already taken." Rose glared at him. Rose pulled Goku closer to herself.

Grandpa Gohan sighed at this, He saw Goku Glance at him with an unsure look, as the three started to argue

"I'm not sure of this Grandpa." He whispered.

"It'll be fine Goku." Grandpa Gohan replied softly

"What about you though?" Goku asked, "what will you do when we are gone?"

"I'll be fine." Gohan insisted, "I've already had my share of adventures, now it's time for you to have yours, I raised you and taught you everything that I know, it's time to take what I've taught you to the world,"

Grandpa put his hand on Goku's shoulder, "I couldn't be more proud of what you have become."

Goku stared at Grandpa Gohan with a far look in his eyes a tear trickled down his cheek.

"I'll miss you Grandpa." Goku said,

Gohan chuckled, "Goku relax, it's not like I'm going to pass on so soon, these old bag of bones isn't ready to give up yet, not untill you at least have children of yourself."

Goku blushed slightly before he smiled and pulled him into a hug, gathering everyone's attention. Gohan was slightly surprised at the sudden action but hugged back.
