

I had to be extremely careful with how I handled Rose, when she went and hugged me, my power is great, and I could barely keep it under control.

I was surprised, because after all of this, the monster I had become, she did not reject me out of fear, she actually looked relieved to see me.

I noticed Grandpa who was staring at me with slight fear but a hint of expectance, I started to walk towards him, I could feel the power with each step, it's incredible.

It only took a moment before we stood face to face, I stared at him for a moment, he stared back at me.

I waited for him to say something. Expecting the worse.

It was a long moment of staring, Rose glanced in between us with a nervous expression on her face.

Eventually he let loose a soft smile, that made me feel a slight sense of relief, "how do you feel Goku-kun?"

"Incredible." I replied, glancing at my hands, clinching my fist before unclenching them, I noticed my wrist were filled with, brown fur, this brown fur covered the entirety of my arm and the edges of my chest and stomach.

It looked strikingly familiar, but I need to find something, like some sort of reflection, so I can confirm it.

"I need a reflection." I said, glancing back at Gohan, who let loose a small chuckle, but nodded his head."

We managed to find a small reflection on the way home, it was a puddle of water, I glanced at it.

It confirmed what I thought.

it looked like Ssj4! But the hairstyle was different, the color was also different in the eyes and the fur, and I did not look like an adult but more of a kid, I was the Same height, and slightly skinnier, those differences didn't change the fact that I still looked awesome, a transformation that I had seen, but at the same time, never had.

As I stared at my reflection, I only said one word that mirrored my entire thoughts on this situation.


But what should I call this form though?

Ozaru mode sounds simply nice enough.

Hope you like this chapter, The form will grow as he grows so it will be an adult when he becomes an adult

Aaron_Harvey_7275creators' thoughts