
The Vision of the Genius


With the amount of trust and loyalty that the people closest to the hero had for him, it was naturally impossible to allow anyone to just wrench him out of the full-dive pod. At least, it couldn't be done without a certain level of strength.

Even when Mr. Dingleberry arrived at the villa in person and started making threats, all he got in exchange were empty promises that Darryl would definitely clear his 'doubts' as soon as he returned, which would be 'soon'.

Unfortunately, the hero's 'assistants' failed to understand just how severe the situation was in normal people's eyes, and when Mr. Dingleberry rushed up the stairs with a team of trained professionals, they realized all too late that they simply had no means to resist.

"Shit! Barging in like that, you're breaking the law!"

"Don't you dare press that button!"

"Get away!"
