
'Miss' Macmillan?!


Most of the knights were naturally not naïve enough to believe that Mrs. Macmillan's arrival at the airport was just a coincidence.

Although they tried to delude themselves into thinking she was there to 'see them off' at first, looking at the sizeable carry-on bag she was dragging along, they had no choice but to accept it.

"I-It's not impossible for her to be carrying farewell gifts in that bag, r-right?"

The rest of the knights gave the girl a disbelieving look, causing her to cough in embarrassment. "I-I was only joking."

Of course, in sharp contrast to the rest of the knights, Penny herself was quite ecstatic. She had been trying to 'enlighten' Mrs. Macmillan about the charms of her princess for such a long time, and it looked like all that effort hadn't gone to waste, after all!
